Insurrection achievement

Im trying to unlock Nightborne…trying to do Insurrection achievement. I just probably did 100 quests in suramar and dont see any available and i havent gotten any credit towards Insurrection. How do I get those quests? I started my suramar quest chain from Khadgar in Dalaran with a quest that had “message” in the name. Only remaining quest i have is to get Honored/Revered with nightfallen

Did you complete the first set of quests that completes the Arcandor tree thingy in Shalaran? Here is the page for the Insurrection chain

There are a couple of really lengthy quest chains that you have to complete in Suramar before you can even start on Insurrection.

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There is one. The quest to grow the Arcandor and restore the Nightfallen.

That’s it.

More quests unlock once you complete that.

It’s a good week to grind rep!

I had looked at that guide, frankly its just a little confusing for someone just coming back after many years. Like i said, i did like 100 quest in suramar, got a bunch of achievements, but no progress towards insurrection. Do i need to be honored for the next quests to appear? I am 5200/6000 friendly and not sure how to get more rep since i see no quests in suramar

That zone’s questline was insanely long.

There is also Good Sumaritan

ive done good sumaritan i believe. I havent done uniting the isle yet, i guess i need to do that to unlock world quests in order to get rep up to get the next quests lines. Seems like its gonna take a long time to get that rep

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No, you don’t need to do the whole good Suraritan chain. Just the quests that relate to the Arcandor.

Don’t you have to complete Good Suramaratan?

I think it’s best to look up wowhead about it, I’m currently doing the insurrection achievements but it was only after I got good suramaritan I could start to get those quests and hence the achievements.

It’s still really damn long, but my advice is… it’s about the journey, not the destination. Try to keep calm and just enjoy the game, else you’ll probably feel fried from thinking about it.

I really tried to keep my cool as I knew if I started looking at the race and all the ‘reward’ part I was gonna lose it and my drive would take a nosedive.

Just know you got the insurrection ‘questline’ when you’ve done good suramaritan, you can type in the good suramaritan achievement and track it below your quests and also the insurrection achievement.

Once again, if you don’t wanna lose your patience, just take it in your own stride. Don’t think about the reward and just do the quests to keep your drive at a maximum, you will get there, you just need to stay focusd.

Insurrection starts when the tree has finally grown, basically.

Good Suramaritan is the whole zone achivement, which includes the moonguard quests, Druid Quests, Felsoul Quests, and Janvrik quests. None of which are required for the Insurrection chain.

I thought i did all of it, but i guess not. I am missing Blood and Wine, A growing Crisis, The waning Crescent, and a Change of seasons…but i no longer have any quests in Suramar. Where the heck do i get them!?

You don’t need Good Suramaritan to start Insurrection but you need to do Thalyssra’s questline that is part of Good Suramaritan.

Have you feed Thalyssra ?

i feel like that was the very first thing i did in suramar. Shes about to be hungry again i suppose as she is at “9”

and don’t forget the fiery hoops you need to jump thru and the shark infested waters you have to swim thru (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

Blood and wine is the next part of the chine. Just look through this list for the next one you haven’t done yet.

This. Pretty odd considering I read some people saying Nightborne were the fastest to unlock yet (at the time) you needed 2 meta achievements and an exalted rep.