Insufficient disk space


I was having problems with WoW so I decided to uninstall and reinstall the software. I am getting an error saying I have “insufficient disk space” to install the software. I Just had it installed.

I went through and deleted unnecessary files and apps. I repaired disk permissions. I restarted the computer multiple times. I am still told I have insufficient disk space. Help please?

If you right click on your Harddrive and choose Manage Storage, do you see any thing worth deleting there? Any extra backups that you don’t need?

Wow should be under Macintosh HD -> Applications

There may be some large(ish) files in Library -> Caches, application support, preferences, saved application states.

You could try use disk utility and run First Aid, see if “fixes” it.

Thanks. I did some MAJOR deleting of unnecessary files. I was finally able to get the installer to work.

Thank you again!

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