Ion mentioned wanting ideas for the new hero talents in case they didn’t sound great.
So instead of a generic name like “Slayer”, how about a more Warcraft-inspired name like “Blademaster”?
But then what do I do with all my maces?
How about “Weaponmaster”?
Blademaster would be exquisite, for me, but its an orc thing. I can envision many on both sides becoming furious if they let humans and the god awful night elves, and their relatives, become Blademasters.
Its just like the Mountain Thane. That is a dwarf thing not an overall warrior thing. I can see where blizz wants to go with this and I like it. It just needs to be implemented differently.
Dwarfs can have their Thanes, Orcs can have their Blademasters ect ect. But thats just what id enjoy.
I figured it would be neat if they could utilize more of the titles/names from inside the Warcraft universe, such as Lo’Gosh when referencing Warriors since Varian was a Warrior and whatnot.
Its why I liked the Death Knight option of San’layn since its a term directly from the Warcraft universe.
Whatever they choose, I agree in that ‘Slayer’ is just a bit too generic/boring to keep for the release.
Two of those three names sound like they have been ripped directly from Warhammer Fantasy… It doesn’t help with the coincidence that it’s a Dwarf expansion, where the Dwarves of WFB had quite a bit of lore around Dwarven Slayers, and Mountain Thanes…
I’m sure we will see a name change in the future once Games Workshop starts airing it’s copyright concerns, especially since they are relaunching WFB…
Nothing about the Blademaster from Warcraft fits the Warrior theme beside Bladestorm.
Blademaster was an agility based squishy warcraft 3 hero. NOT A WARRIOR, 1000000 times