Instead of removing tranq immune all druids should've gotten tranq along with the immune talent

Instead of removing tranq immune all druids should’ve gotten tranq along with the immune talent, or maybe just make the immunity baseline so druids don’t look ridiculous when they try to cast tranq and it gets interrupted


I’m actually going to agree with this. Druids could really use an immunity. It might require re-balancing the toolkit around it a little bit, but I think it might even be unavoidably needed as the game moves forward, with its design and pacing becoming ever more demanding… and the Druid kit having practically stagnated several expansions ago.
As always, I speak primarily from a Balance Druid in PvP perspective.

Edit: I am convinced, though, that making Well-Honed Instincts proc Survival Instincts instead of Frenzied Regen for Boomy and Resto would be a great help.

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I really hate the removal of Tranq’s bubble.

First of all, it wasn’t even a complete immunity. It blocked outside damage only. I actually died once casting it because I had every dot imaginable on me and thought I would be able to ignore them.

I actually used it very actively to force people waste their cooldowns. A lot of folks in lower brackets seem to not know/remember that tranq bubble exists. It was also great to press when you know that pesky paladin using his horse coming towards you was about to chain CC’s.

Resto Druid feels terrible right now. With gear though we will be better, but it wont stop double melee or a rogue from training you. Legit pre-bearing a go will not work with all bear talents even though it should make us able to survive it.

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i do find it a little funny that they have “keeper of the grove” as one of the hero options for Druids, but there’s really no notable tranquility nodes…

that was one of the most iconic spells for keepers dating back to their introduction in warcraft 3.

I really think they missed the class fantasy mark with druids this expansion…but hopefully that will change in the future.

The ancients nice-ish with the cc immunity but it really doesnt replace the immunity and knockback prevention of tranq, plus it makes pvp another place to never run one of resto druid’s most iconic abilities since the duration reduction didnt fix it for keys.

also the new ancient of lore ability would have been a way better capstone for keeper then treants heal buff esthetically