Instead of Earthen can we get playable bug people?

I want to play the old god bug people that live underground.

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I want ogres and the rest of the oft asked for races before gimmick races


Earthen was such a wierd choice. I know there will always be some people who think its cool, but man…

Alliance already has two Dwarves and how many Horde really sit around wishing they could be Dwarves except made out of dirt.

I’d actually preferred getting no races so it would be less disappointing.


To be honest the Earthen have really grown on me these past couple of weeks. I’m looking forward to making one now. Going paladin.


Same. Even no race at all would still be better than low budget dwarves 3.0, only this time with rainbow pimples on their skin.

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At the very least, their carapace does resemble armor. Curious if that will affect the sets in the Nerubain raid. :robot::thought_balloon:

The fact they’re even making humanoid Nerubians makes me wonder if they won’t become an Allied Race in like 11.1 or 11.2

Will just have to see how detailed their models and animations are.

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id like to play real dragons

Long as they have wings…

I wanna be moth man!

What makes this not a gimmick race? Like I know people want Ogres, and while I personally don’t I’m not against people getting them. But why call Earthen and Nerubians a gimmick race and not Ogres? or Naga?

If they move Dark Iron Dwarves over to Horde, sure.

Think the difference is that ogres have been part of the Horde for a long long time, like one of the founding races. It’s strange ogres are part of the Horde but are not playable or have a seat at the table, they are just shoved in the corner.


Night Elves/Borne, female humans and now dwarves… all playable before playable orges for the Horde. :clown_face:

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I believe they would’ve announced if it was intended. Can be assumed it’s Xal’atah’s form of void corruption. :robot::test_tube:

…which we could see a collection of forms as the nearby Arathi and Earthen will likely be turned into K’thir and Skardyn. :8ball::robot:

Not against playable Nerubains as I think we just need to cut off extra parts like the carapace, tail, and neck. :carpentry_saw::robot:

I mean yes that’s weird. But at the same time that doesn’t make Earthen and Nerubians a gimmick race. Or if it does Ogres could still be considered the same. They are a large model that would require a lot of work to make armor sets work for, Or just have them not use armor like Dracthyr. Which in turn would lead to some liking them and some not. As I said, I’m all for those getting the races they want. But if you’re going to label the races others want as Gimmicks then the label should be applied to ogres and naga as well.

Vulpera weren’t announced as an intended Allied Race, yet people could see the level of work that went into their model and animations that clearly signaled they had a high chance to become a playable race. And then Blizzard finally confirmed it when they announced Vulpera and Mechagnomes a year into BFA’s lifespan.

I’m not saying it WILL happen… just that it MIGHT and I’d be curious to see what level of detail work goes into the humanoid Nerubian model. If it’s no different than a Sethrak or Arrkoa model, then yeah I don’t see them being playable in the future.

There’s been a nude model we can look at. Respectfully. :robot::sweat_drops:

You can start to see some trouble with the carapace on the neck, shoulders, and back. :microscope::robot:

edit: Funny enough, I think the new Kobold giants sorta resemble a Tauren skeleton with more fingers and toes. :microscope::robot:

This. This what I was hoping for at first. Then we got sparklelizards from deviantart. Imagine actually getting to be your customized drakes in battle. That’d have been badass…and an utter nightmare in raids.

Ogres were a part of the Old Horde and through Rexxar’s work in WC3 joined the new Horde as well. People have been asking for Ogres before Worgen and Goblins were added. They aren’t so much a gimmick as much as an actual staple race that’s been ignored in favor of elves and fox people.

Double post. Sorry about that.