Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

Your blind support of everything Blizzard may possibly do in the future has been duly noted. Keep trying to convince people that disabling that in the next expansion couldn’t possibly happen. And buy extra copies of Shadowlands, everybody!

Three expansions ago, they thought about doing a thing but didn’t do it!
Their intentions are clear!
Those monsters!

Three expansions ago they tried to do a thing, along with trying to do another thing (no flying in any further expansion) and were forced to change their minds by players quitting en masse, for which they have never forgiven their playerbase.

Oh, I read it, but I read it as something from an idiot that was trying to boost himself up bu putting others down and ignoring what was said.

Blizzard has done it before, I am one that might HOPE they do not this time but history is against them, and you, in this case. I even said “likely” as in not a sure thing but definitely on the table.

Once again, you are taking things to a stupid extreme so now I dub thee Idiot White Knight who needs lessons in logic, reading and common sense.

And yet some of that player base are white knights that try to put anyone that complains about Blizzard as criers, even if they are just pointing out how blizzard tends to miss the mark.

If one has to put others down to boost themselves up, they need to think a bit (I admit I am guilty of it a bit myself). Ones like the Human Paladin we have been dealing with really need to do it otherwise, even if they post something worthwhile, it will be ignored because they have established themselves as idiots who don’t know what they are saying.

It wasn’t during Warlords. It was announced toward the end of Warlords that this was going to happen in Legion, because they needed to be able to use water currents as an in-game mechanic that people on waterwalking mounts would be able to skip over. As I said previously, lots of people quit over no longer being able to use that mount as they had been using it.

I’m not understanding how a person with such a long history in the game could be as ignorant as you are pretending to be.

I can sum it up in 2 words:

It is ones like him that we need down votes for, or at least the ability to ignore, then maybe they will finally realize “we ain’t buying what they are selling”.

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Nope. You get it on characters that had the rep to buy it themselves, and only if they existed prior to the change. New characters DO NOT get shoes in the mail.

More specifically, characters who were level 100 and above, on accounts where the Anglers rep had been gained on at least one character, extant or not, received one free set in the mail. Ironically, this meant that accounts who’d level-locked their Anglers rep-holders to MoP’s max of 90, did not receive the free equipment on the character that earned the account its rep…

As well as none of the below-100 characters receiving the equipment.

And the real kicker is that they also changed the mechanics and it doesn’t even work as well.

Most of the planned nerfs to inflatable shoes were reversed, so it mostly acts as the waterstrider did. I think the main problems left involved really large mounts having trouble getting back onto the water.

It’s still a LOT more sensitive to fall damage.

True, the ‘bouncy’ effect isn’t a part of the shoes.

The whole game is nothing more than that…

Problem being, noone wants to have to slog through all th emobs in a zone just to d some dailies that grant a little rep/ap for a cache that wont even likely give them anything useful. Or just to get to one herb node.

Pathfinder has been a thorn in peoples’ sides for a long time now. Its’ only purpose is to drag out the amount of time people have to play the game to obtain it. Thus putting a few more bucks in Activi$ion’s pocket, and making people more miserable in return. But that isnt even the biggest issue in the game.

Sure if they made things fun and engaging, it would be less noticeable. But, that isnt the case, therefore it goes on the huge pile of reasons people are unhappy with the game.

Ogri’la and Skyguard are the content I’m referring to. You’re reinforcing my point. You couldn’t get there without flying. There’s nothing like that in BFA and there hasn’t been anything like that in a long time.

It’s not that I think that’s the perfect way to do it. You could see flying as a gold requirement to get to more of the game. I emphasized BC-era flying because it was a time when not having flying meant there were place, quests, rewards you could not get access to.

It’s a bandaid.

The Waterstrider mount was inherently dumb because the passive was so good that it was almost a detriment not to have it. If you didn’t like having an insect mount or you just wanted something more in-character, you still could, but at that point the choice not to use the mount is the choice to be actively less efficient.

I just didn’t want to grind rep, so I didn’t care to acquire it.

The real problem with the Water Walking, on its own, wasn’t really the fact it had water walking, but the fact that the vast majority of ground mounds did nothing. If you consider access to venders, additional seats, water walking, a very small portion of the overall mount collection does anything more than give you a speed boost.

I would love it if every mount had a passive ability. A system could be built for that.

That isn’t the point. I address that in the first post.

Graphics are the dressing for a variety of systems in the game, our characters and the world being one of them. The problem is that mounts are just a pretty speed buff, and that’s it. I would like to see a system where mounts reflect more player choice, play styles, progression and customization.

If they could create an entire gameplay system for battle pets, they could do so for mounts.


FYI: When you type “Nope.”, then are provably wrong, it makes you look really foolish.

It was released six months into Burning Crusade. That is long enough for people to have completed the earliest iterations of Pathfinder if Pathfinder had been required to fly. It’s long enough for people to complete the current iteration of pathfinder, if pathfinder wasn’t just time-gated for no reason.

It’s also completely arbitrary. You’re pretending that the fact that Blizzard didn’t let players who were too poor for flying reach a quest hub is somehow elevating it beyond flying in other expansions. It’s literally gold-gating daily world content and you’re arguing that’s a good thing. The only difference between buying flying and paying a gnome to build a teleporter is travel time.

If Blizzard just made a path up the mountain, there would have been no difference. It’s not like it’s a naturally occurring rock formation. Blizzard’s modelers made it that way.

Your argument makes no sense. Per your argument, all Blizzard needs to do is put a 100ft wall around a zone and boom, flying is special.

That didn’t mean everyone had flying when those zones were released.

You restated part of what I already said, but ignored and straw-manned the other. I’m not arguing that it’s good when I’m conceding that it’s not perfect.

Acquiring flight in BC had a tangible reward in terms of access to more activities and the rewards that came with them. Acquiring flight in BfA has an intangible reward of convenience. That’s enough to say that the impact of flying was different in those expansions.

You might feel that convenience is a good enough reward, but I don’t. I don’t consider convenience to be gameplay, and I want mounts to feel like gameplay.

It’s not “convenience”. It’s a power increase. Power increases are gameplay.

You have full control over a mount. You choose its direction and path. You can start and stop when you want.

The reason you mount is to gain a speed increase. The reason you get on a flying mount is to gain additional access to the Z-axis in a 3D world. Speed increases and additional access to more axes are power increases. Or do you think Sprint isn’t gameplay?

Flight Points are a convenience. They will get you to the place safely while you go pee. The mounts you own and control are inarguably both gameplay and a power increase.

But you totally missed the rest of my post.

Movement is not a power increase.