Instead of Asking for Pathfinder to be Removed, Ask for a Mounting Revamp

No. Change the water walking equipment to a different bit of equipment and guess what? Your water walking equipment is rubbish and you have to pay to replace it.

You may not be intentionally lying, but you are most certainly


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Being able to pay to change what the ability does is not the same as it being perishable.

If you earned the Water Strider, you still have the Water Strider. You get given the water walking equipment for free.

If you do not engage with it beyond equipping the water walking, then nothing has changed and nothing has been taken away.

The only difference if you now have the option to pay a small amount of money to choose between four abilities:

-20% mount speed
-Slow Fall

Gems are not considered “perishable” just because replacing them destroys them. That’s not what the word perishable means. Milk is perishable. It has a finite lifespan after which it needs to be replaced, whether you use it or not. Mount equipment works like gems, not like milk.

Sorry you don’t understand the difference between a mount that is inherently capable of water walking (what I worked for and earned) and a mount that will not function that way without special equipment.

PS: The equipment is not free if you change it from ww to some other bit. If you want to regain ww you have to buy it.

It is difficult to see why you don’t understand this, but obviously pointless to continue this “discussion.”

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You get the special equipment for free, can use it immediately, and it lasts forever. Applying it means your mount is now inherently capable of water walking again and so is every other mount you own.

You got a new, better, more flexible system and because you didn’t get to have BOTH systems, something was taken away? Ridiculous.

Your sense of entitlement is ridiculous if you somehow believe that anything was lost.

You gained the ability to respec waterwalking into anti-daze, slow fall, or mount speed. If you don’t want to pay to do that, you still have waterwalking. And all 342 other mounts gained waterwalking.

It’s difficult to understand why you don’t understand the meaning of words, but not hard to understand why you’re wrong.

Your entire argument hinges on the fact that you don’t understand what the word “perishable” means.

i just want… idk… interesting pathfinder stuff… like cloud serpent riding back in Mop


That’s the problem, we no longer can trust water to save us from falling damage because every mount is now a waterwalking mount. Nobully recently died from jumping into water on a non-waterwalking mount and didn’t think to look down to break surface tension because he wasn’t on a waterwalking mount, he wasn’t planning to walk on water. One size fits all is a terrible concept for mounts.

Also my level 20s did not receive a free waterwalking equipment, I had to go rebuy what I’d already ground out the right to buy years ago. My level 20s could use the waterwalking mount, and absolutely lost it.

Yes you can. Point your camera straight down and you won’t water walk. This functionality has existed literally always.


Oh, you don’t read. Alright, have fun then.

I find the mount equipment one of those times they could have gone a few ways but went with the dumbest. Other ways they could have done the mount equipment:

  1. Make the Water Strider unaffected by Mount Equipment and let it keep its ability
  2. make the equipment done by mount, not one and done
  3. make a certain quality of mount equipment reusable without having to buy again.

What was lost was the ability to choose or make certain mounts usable for certain things. I had no issue using the Strider but I only used it when I was crossing water so I would have used that gear on the strider and only the strider if I could. My other mounts? either mount speed increase or anti-daze, depending on character.

Looks like someone just posted without thinking so…

Should be, for you, L2R, L2T and L2C

You editing your post after I click reply is not the same as me not reading it.

Oh, you don’t understand that time only flows in one direction or how cause and effect works. Alright, have fun then.

He edited that in after initially sending it because he realized what he said was wrong and dumb.

His argument was literally that someone died because they didn’t know that a functionality always existed in relation to his new ability and he decided to backpedal. His argument is still that someone died because they incorrectly used a new ability, which is not a strong argument.

“You gave me a free new ability and I killed myself with it because I’m dumb. Waaaaaaaaah.”

Yes, I edited in the second paragraph. You cut your quote to ignore the sentence immediately after it, in the original post. Can’t lie your way out of this one.

HAHAHA… Good one. You mean, it lasts until the prepatch when it is removed forever.

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Care to try again? or do you want a shovel to dig yourself deeper and prove you are nothing but a dumb troll who really should go back to school, or apply to the shcool of hard knocks so you can get the stupid beaten out of you? In fact, here is how you sound: “I’m going to quote only a part, ignoring what might go against it, and call others dumb because I am so “smart””

Did they actually announce that they were removing it? I have not seen that.

Gonna need a citation on that one.

Even if they did not remove it, a few of us know what is likely, possibilities include:

  1. outright removal
  2. old gear does not work in new areas
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Did you not read this part?

No, you don’t.

They switched from waterwalking mounts to items that will be simple to remove from the game after their attempt to remove waterwalking mounts from current content failed horribly in Legion, ie, lots of people were quitting over having their rep grinding work to get that mount tossed with restrictions that meant it would no longer be useful.

The play was to eliminate waterwalking from mounts. Do you seriously think they still don’t want to remove it? When they do, they will remove it without any advance warning.

But go ahead and believe what you want to believe.


So now you’re literally crying because Blizzard has the capability of removing it, despite them never once stating that they intended to?

Oh no! Blizzard is deleting my everything and shutting down WoW!
They never said they would, but they could, so they must be!

Back in Warlords of Draenor they tried to limit the two waterwalking mounts strictly to the expansions they were purchased in, so yes they have stated their intentions. Waterwalking lets us skip content when we can’t fly, freeing us from the mazes they want us to slowly walk through so it’s not as obvious that the content and zones are lacking.