Instead of a New Class Next Expac:

i really think after 17 yrs most classes need a total rework something amazing no old stuff back new. idk sham would get tank be okay i got a pally to pass on ranged pally ew. monk idk ranged would be weird to. hunter tank spec okay or just revert survival really and be done with it so many hunters would be happy. they do need to do some new exciting things for the specs already here some are still fun but it would be so awesome to have totally new stuff .

and druids keep all options available even if the talents aren’t there for them. So you can be all over when fit hits the shan.

So you often get pulled into additional duties. Leveling mine in SL I ahd an odd night of out healing the healer in dungeon. As feral…

The signs were there early. feral druid rez the healer please…aww man, this is gonna be an interesting run.

As much as I’d love New Classes, Races and Specs, with the downward spiral of Blizzard doing the easy or lazy route personally I just see them drip feeding us different class combinations to further increase revenue…

Want to finally be that Night Elf Paladin, well purchase the latest expansion to unlock that combination!, worked with Shadowlands, people been asking for Allied Races as Deathknights, only way to play them is buying Shadowlands…

Easy, Quick and most importantly Lazy way to make money.

Warlock can uses a fourth tank spec.