Instant Mail Lowers Value of "In-Person" Trade

A big reason why I like classic is because the world feels big and wonderous. Instant mail takes away the opportunity for a more meaningful classic style in-person value-filled trade and makes the world feel smaller. not to mention if you want instant mail between alts you can use the return mail feature, which is instant already.


How is asking someone to help you trade your own items to another one of your character giving you more immersion? Doesn’t really make sense. Instant Mail for your own characters makes sense.


You are a red Draenei. Your opinion is irrelevant here.


You are a night elf monk, I can say the same to you? lol :rofl:


I get my gold from North Korea faster so it’s a good thing.

Idk. Classic players are pretty used to going to cities and going directly to an enchanyer.

Mailing it seems like you would get scammed.