Instant Cast Mage Teleport and Portals in 9.2

It’s about time someone other than Paladins had a way to bubblehearth and frustrate people in world pvp.

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Needs one more change: Portals are now instant - Triggers 30 sec (or) 1 min CD before another portal can be made.

if its instant, can you cast it while falling?

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Blessed change.

Oh my god! That’s amazing! :smiley: :mage:

I may as well start playing in war mode. What’s the risk, right?

Gonna have fun with this one on my mage. Portal spam everywhere in stormwind

So, this confirmation of a mage and magic oriented expansion since everything was death knight this expansion and warlock last and DH in Legion.

Return of dragon magic. Loss of magic? Final fantasy 6? Khadgar realizes he needs to help us again now that we’re working together.

:mage: :dragon: :ocean: :mage: :dragon: :ocean::mage: :dragon: :ocean:


Tried them out on the PTR and they’re all still 10 second casts.

After this change… NE mages… Meld+SW Portal Macro=Autowin in World PVP

I can so see a warrior following a mage to behind a Rock only to find their portal sitting there

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Oh that is a good question. I mean they do have feather fall but it would be a way to avoid those deaths from falls in places like the Maw.

Unless the build hasn’t been pushed yet. Honestly would be both interesting and funny to see this change actually get pushed out. Doubt it will lol.

if portal also became instant. i can see a slow fall row of portals. :rainbow:

Bigger thing I’m seeing is tuning for tier sets when a lot of m+ players won’t even have one set bonus, let alone two. Frosty isn’t exactly the best spec in 9.1, looks worse in 9.2. Fun.

Horde Cities:

/castsequence reset=10 Portal: Dalaran Crater, Portal: Orgrimmar, Portal: Undercity, Portal: Thunder Bluff, Portal: Silvermoon, Portal: Stonard, Portal: Shrine of Two Moons, Portal: Warspear, Portal: Dazar’alor, Portal: Shattrach, Portal: Dalaran - Northrend, Portal: Tol Barad, Portal: Dalaran - Broken Isles

Alliance Cities:

/castsequence reset=10 Portal: Dalaran Crater, Portal: Ironforge, Portal: Stormwind, Portal: Darnassus, Portal: Exodar, Portal: Theramore, Portal: Shrine of Seven Stars, Portal: Stormshield, Portal: Boralus, Portal: Shattrach, Portal: Dalaran - Northrend, Portal: Tol Barad, Portal: Dalaran - Broken Isles

Both macros start with Dalaran Crater for optimal performance.


From my point of view bubble hearthing causes more inconvenience than the death would have. If I’m in a zone with WM on and I see someone coming for me and I insta port. I now have to go potentially from another continent but at the very least trek from a major city back to where I was.

Walking back to corpse takes a lot less time.

If you’re in WM and use this to escape I think you’ve been penalized more than it was worth what you got out of using it.

There are no real downsides to pve for this. If 50 mages wanna spam portals in stormwind trade district they can already do it just with a cast time.

Personally I think they should just make portals only visible to the person who casted it and anyone in their party / raid while in a rest zone.

Portal casting time has been outdated for a long time.

Nope, still a hasted 10 sec cast on PTR.

Burn it all to the ground before I get more Dadgar jokes.

If its not in the official patch notes I wouldn’t get too excited, WoWHead still has it posted that Avenging Wrath was buffed by 10% for all pally specs (which isn’t, and was never a thing)

That never gets old.

That’s probably the most random change that nobody ever asked for that I can imagine.

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