Instances: "partial DC" behavior

General: myself and some others, able to move and chat, but not cast/attack

  1. Rogue-completed two wings without incident
  2. Warlock-myself and others had the issue
  3. Priest- others had the issue

Notes: Unable to see many NPC/Boss effects, unable to be kicked from group, one shaman reported being in the boss area, while I saw him in the preceding trash area, getting hit by trash, but not losing health. It’s a weird one. I see tickets of the same for delves and other instanced content, but not for solo/world content.

Similar here, everything in dungeon stopped, unable to use any abilities, like a DC, but chat works fine. Everyone in party reports the same effects.

Yes, same. Frozen in an instance, can move around, but no other communication.
Left Group, cannot leave instance.

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