Instance portal not usable?

Ok, so this is a really specific issue, but for some reason it seems like one of my characters is unable to use the instance portal for Eye of Eternity (legacy raid in Northrend). The other nine characters I flew out can all zone in just fine, but for the one character it’s like the portal isn’t even there. No error messages or anything, just runs right through it with nothing happening. And it’s not a universal problem either; they can zone in to other instances just fine. Anyone happen to know what might be going on here and/or if it’s something that can be fixed?

Try resetting the WoW User Interface.

Sometimes, it could be corrupted data caused by addons and what not, that could sometimes create this problem.

If resetting the user Interface does not work, might want to then submit a bug report.

Be very specific within the report, and include as much details as possible.


Sounds like quest phasing. I can’t remember offhand what quests may phase out that area, maybe some of the blue dragon specific quests from dragonflight and maybe parts of tarecgosas wrath questline.

What quests do you have in your log?


Would these quests only cause issues with the EoE portal though? I tried running down to both the Oculus and the Nexus and those portals worked fine.

That being said, I play alts very sporadically especially when it comes to quests so there’s a total of 29 rattling around in there, ranging from TWW back to Cata. :rofl: Nothing in the Coldarra area though.

I’m a bit hesitant to do something like this since it sounds like it’d affect my whole account, when it’s only a problem on one character (and seemingly with only a single instance portal at that). I don’t want to have to reconfigure my UI or anything especially if this turns out to not fix the problem. :dracthyr_cry_animated:

It doesn’t effect your account at all. What it does is allow for any errors or corrupted data that may be within the client to be fixed/corrected.

I think that is what it does, I know it does fix a lot of problems, even if it just only effects one character on the account.


Thankfully it’s fully reversible! You have to move/rename three folders. Keep those folders around and after you’ve tested this, you can move/rename the original folders back to have everything like it was before.

The tricky part is if it does help, then you’d need to investigate what it was that caused the issue. Usually it’s an addon.


Hearing this, I went ahead and tried it out…it did not fix the problem. I’m actually kinda glad it didn’t, because I was not prepared to deal with reconfiguring my UI and addons all over again just for a single instance portal on one character. :laughing:

Maybe. Not sure.

Edit: This is one quest that can phase out eye of eternity. I didn’t see any comments about the nexus or oculus dungeon portals. I’m sure it’s some quest causing the problem, possibly even one that was abandoned prior to completion


Well, I see that someone apparently thought this was a quest-related issue even though that hasn’t really been determined for sure yet…like I said, I don’t have any quests that take place in the area or that were even received in the area, so if it is one of them causing it it’d be pretty strange.

I suppose I’ll start completing them to see if the portal eventually works, but even if it doesn’t this issue’s probably not going to get much more attention anyway since this subforum doesn’t seem to be very active. :pensive:

It’s possible that an abandoned quest chain could keep the area phased. I would fly around the coldarra area with low level quest tracking enabled to see if anything pops up.

That aside, what quests do you have in your quest log?


It turns out that you had it right all along! I didn’t have any active quests causing the issue, and I’d worked my log down to 8 from the 29 I initially had. Portal still didn’t work after that, but I noticed on my map that Bolt from the Blue was available…so I went and picked it up, completed it, and now the portal’s working again! Apparently even having it available to pick up is enough to break the portal…thanks for the assistance!



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