Insight of a Subtlety rogue (PvP)

Since the Legion rework there has been a massive loss of identity for the Rogue class, focusing more on gimmicks and themes. Straying away from what it truly means to be a rogue for “spec” fantasy. In this post I will be talking about the traditional fantasy of both the class as a whole and Subtlety, and why the old design feels better than the current. I will also be mentioning the current flaws of the spec and class as a whole, and how this new talent tree and redesign is better than what we currently have.

Before the Legion class overhaul we were rogues, not poison masters, not pirates, not spellblades, just a rogue. A class that placed heavy emphasis on terrifying openers from stealth, “stunning your target to death,” the ability to create 2v1 situations with blind sap and other forms of cross cc, and finally the ability to score kills without over reliance of cds or stealth. Each global mattered and could be felt, every backstab hit hard no perforated veins or the rotten needed. Rupture and Slice Dice adding synergy to the class via passives like energetic stabbing and sanguine veins, turning those spells into more than just a boring attack speed buff or dot. A good rogue knowing the appropriate times to stay in a fight, or when to run; something that didn’t just stick for sub but for the class as a whole.

I’d argue that the legion rework shook the rogue class the hardest, causing us to see a huge philosophical change in our class design. Assa shifting from mutilate, weapon poison and envenom damage to all around rot damage, something more akin to a warlock or feral druid. COMBAT shifting from cooldown management with killing spree into a rng fiesta. Sub shifting from a focus on Find Weakness, positionals, and finishers; into a major focus on mass cooldown stacking, and resetting your dances with finishers.

This new version of sub has proven difficult to balance due to Shadow Dance being up every stun DR. Leading Subtlety to feel gimmicky and overpowered at its best, and depressing at its worst (towel boy for your mage). Rather than fixing these problems blizzard has actually gone further down the road with these gimmicks in our class tree. Nobody likes the rotten+gloomblade, shadowdust, echoing, deeper, Danse Macbre, or Secret tech. All of these play styles proved extremely unhealthy for the state of pvp, justifying each of their nerfs in not only Shadowlands, but Dragonflight. Due to all of these crazy damage mods our base damage has been dramatically reduced to nothing. If you don’t believe me, going out in the world and attack a mob with just base backstabs and evis, feels horrible. Causing sub rogue to adopt 1 extremely crucial playstyle, stun and run. Playing off of DRs and CDs only, then flopping around like a fish until DRs are back up; preferably in stealth, because we are almost always the kill target in any pvp setting. I’ve gotten 2700+ 3x off this awful playstyle and I will be the first to say it’s not only boring for the rogue playing, but everyone you play against.

For example, you can see this in rogue mage vs rogue mage mirror. In this mirror the winner is decided heavily on whichever team has the better mage. It pretty much just boils down to the mages 1v1ing in the middle of the map, then punishing the rogue who opens first. The rest is history, the first rogue who opens gets forced to trinket, blinded and sapped until drs falls off, then dead. No room for outplay, just need to hope your mage is better 4head.

Another issue with current Subtlety is that there is an over reliance of cooldown stacking. To fo a successful go not only do you need Shadow Dance, but you need Symbols of Death, Coldblood, Thistle Tea, Badge, Shadow Blades, Danse Macabre, Flagellation, Echoing Reprimand, sepsis, and last but not least Secret Tech.

A perfect example of this was in Shadowlands season 1, the Venthyr spell Flagellation got GIGA buffed and was insane when stacked with the master assassin legendary. For the entire expac sub rogues could shadowy duel and 2 shot anyone that didn’t have a trinket, leading to a stupidly scripted playstyle. Your target doesn’t have trinket, but you held onto everything; gg. One issue with this build was that you had to place all of your eggs into one basket. If you didn’t score a kill you’d be almost useless for two minutes, becoming a literal stun bot until Flag and Vanish came back up.

This example is important because it shows how unimportant our core kit is, dance and symbols are no longer enough to score kills. You need your vanish flags, your coldblood techs, your echoings on top of dance and symbols to be a viable threat in pvp.

My final point for Subtlety is the falling moon of Majora’s Mask, the cc and crit nerfs in 10.1… No longer can we sap or blind cap a base, no longer can we sap off blind. This along with crit being nerfed, other cc nerfs, and baseline precog will make rogues USELESS. Why bring us over a ww monk, feral druid, arms warrior, or even ret pally? Something needs to change, rogue needs to revert from post legion to the master piece it was.

Together, Eridian and I have easily put 40-60 hours into developing a class tree and spec tree for Subtlety. We have ideas for the other 2 specs, so depending on how this goes we will push those out. Our redesigned subtlety rogue draws heavy influence from not only wotlk-wod versions of the spec, but from vanilla wow too. Moving Shadow Dance back to a static 60 (or 45 if talented) second cd that lasts 8 seconds and that has no damage modifiers attached to it. Shadow Dance has always been known for dusting people with ambush and finisher spamming, but at the end of the day we got damage through the application of FW, pressing dance wasn’t just a 15-30% dmg buff.

All the damage that was attached to dance and other cds was moved into Find weakness and the bread and butter of our class. Adding more meat to bare bone spells like Slice and Dice and Rupture by adding Energetic Stabbing and Sang Veins. We also buffed baseline backstab and ambush by a lot, but at the cost of higher energy costs and positioning requirements. We even added positional buffs to Evis and Rupture. If being locked behind your target isn’t your thing we incorporated hemo back into sub rogue, we made a talent for it that buffs the spell and allows sub rogue to wield swords. A call back to old school classic and tbc sub rogue.

Our goal for this rework is to recapture the old school feeling of sub rogue, but with a modern twist. Getting rid of the button bloat that is not only annoying to play, but makes our core baseline spells a lot weaker. The more cds, buttons, and burst we have the less our core abilities actually matter. When fully talented, Ambush, Backstab, and Evis should SLAM when armor pen is up.

But that’s all my copium fueled mind has to say, I want to thank anyone that actually did read this. For anyone that wants a TLDR just check out the tree we made and let that speak to you, what we want is obvious. Please leave feedback and suggestions, at the end of the day we all just want to have fun on this class.


It was a very difficult task to put this together. We put a lot of effort into this to recapture the soul of what it is to be a Subtlety Rogue.

It is time to return our kit and our Identity. Subtlety is not a Shadow Dance Rogue, we have lost our way and it shows horribly.

As someone who has always and only been Subtlety and my only character this is rough.

  • Bring back actual FW and check out our tree how we solve it for pvp and pve while giving multiple options.

  • No over reliance on cds and provides further ways to remain impactful.

  • Positional bonuses instead of watered down abilities have returned allowing for the true essence of Subtlety to be recaptured instead of the current iteration which ONLY emphasizes on Dance once again.

  • Our tree is very fair and avoids cd stacking while placing emphasis on core abilities and customization towards the Rogue.

  • No Shadowlands stuff and the removal of gimmicks in our tree.

Please take a look and view it for yourselves fellow Rogues, time to get our identity back.


The tree and ideas look good but i see a few issues from balancing perspectives as well as positionings of certain abilities.

  1. The damage modifications of some of these talents stacking would cause a lot of issues in terms of damage done. 9_5 → [Spinning Death] / 9_1 → [Sanguinary Veins] / 8_1 → [Critical Killer] / 7_2 → [Cut Throat] / 7_1 → [Blood Splatter] / 4_4. [Evisceration] / 4_5. [Finality] / 4_1. [Vile Calling]
    Then you add in the class tree talents like - 7_3 → [Opportunity] / [Cold Blood] / 3_1 → [Night stalker].
    It would cause you to play a certain way for both PvP and ST PvE fights that just locks you into a select build which is similar to the issues we have now.
    Also not playing that build would make you feel like you’re hitting like a wet noodle which falls back around to current issues.

  2. I think having Hemo as the first default talent would be a bad idea, an ability like that was primarily a pvp ability and forcing sub pve players to have to bake that into the rotation might not make it feel very smooth and just another mandatory buff you have to add into the rotation (for the 2% damage buff it gives the rest of the abilities).
    This ability should be more towards the middle of the tree as an option for people who might want to add complexity to the pve rotation for a minor increase in dps or for people to pick it up as a pvp ability. I do miss cata style sub, so i think Hemo would be great to have back in the game.

  3. I think honor among thieves should be lower down in the tree, it’s a good talent that rogue use to have baked in standard into their kit and i feel having it higher up in the tree makes it take a slot of something potentially stronger (the idea of talents higher up the ladder is to provide something stronger for your build) and falls short of that.

  4. I know a lot of players don’t like the “themes” but i feel like sub should have a shadow damage style build and then the physical build that revolved around find weakness, it would be nice to play a gloomblade style build where evis, rupture and ambush do shadow damage instead of physical damage, maybe something like that would work better against mail/plate wearers where as the physical build would work well against cloth/leather wearers, would provide different builds to use based on the player and what you are attacking etc.

  5. 3_4 → [Distracting Mirage] - This shouldn’t be a talent that takes up a slot in the spec tree, that should just stay as a pvp talent.

  6. [Thieve’s Respite] - I think rogue needs to move away from a low cd shadow dance (and definitely move away from it being a core part of the rotation rather than a real dps cooldown). Dance should be a static 1 min that gives a % buff to damage and lets you use stealth abilities and there shouldn’t be anything in the tree or builds that makes it shorter than 1min. They need to buff damage outside of dance and make dance a proper cd which rogue is lacking in both sub and outlaw specs (let’s be real, shadow blades is hot garbage outside of the CP generation).

  7. 8_4 → [Hack and Slash] I think this should be 10% extra attack speed rather than haste, I also think by default slice and dice should also either be off the GCD or they need to increase the uptime by 50-100% more, the fact it costs energy, CP AND a GCD to manage a maintenance buff is just so out of touch in the way the game has developed to todays standards.

  8. This is more a side note for outlaw than sub, but in line with above, i think roll the bones should also be off the GCD.

  9. Slotting this in since i mentioned outlaw and it’s currently my preferred spec to play, i think they either need to remove the cooldown of between the eyes, or at least halve it, you do garbage dps on targets that don’t have it, which makes swapping harder. I think damage of it outside of the BTE build is fine, but it should be easier to swap it to a new target for both PvE and PvP.

Final notes that I can think of currently at least is that defensively rogue has fallen behind compared to a lot of other classes, we self heal the least, and while evasion and cloak are great defensives, blur, parry etc are just significantly better. Would be nice to have something like combat readiness back in the game as well as recuperate, recuperate could be something like a “defensive maintenance buff” that you can keep up with crimson vial being a cd that can be paired with recuperate to provide a short burst self heal.
Making these changes would be a good trade off to let blizzard remove double vanish (outside the idea of prep being added back in to reset the cd) and remove shadowy duel which just makes rogue so much more OP when they are properly tuned.

I could think of more ideas but I’ll leave it there for now.


Thanks for replying to the post! We only really put 40-60 hours into this, its sorta just a first draft. I also just wanted to stir the pot since there’s been radio silence.

Agreed, snd is just a dumb spell i’d rather not think about tbh. Taking it off the GCD and increasing its uptime would be nice.

Forsure, but I feel like that’s how the game has always been. People will always meta game and find the cookie cutter best build for the best situation. BUT I can certainly tone down some of the modifiers, I started running out of ideas ngl.

I really like hemo too, my intention wasn’t to have it as a debuff you need to upkeep but as a playstyle choice; also something you can press incase you cant backstab. If talented hemo should be used as a primary generator over backstab like tbc or classic.

Agreed, Hat can definitely be higher. I leaning towards getting rid of prep and putting hat there.

I personally couldn’t care about what damage we do, I just hate split damage. I either want all spell damage or all physical. If you want something that can deal with plate then a beefed up FW is the answer, otherwise, scrap fw and make it all magic.

I think the mechanic of FW in the past was beautiful and made sub an icon spec, without FW I think the class would become even harder to balance. That’s why were in the cd stacking mess we are in now.

Agreed haha, now that they took maneuverability from us I might slap imp sprint there. If I do that I’m also considering dropping the class to 1 step, and have it so sub can only have 2 steps.

Dance on static flat 1 min cd sounds perfect to me, I 'd be fine taking that talent out. I don’t think any damage should be tied to dance, just have ambush hit like a truck. FW should be subs main mechanic, and dance should only be a vehicle to apply FW. If any aura/buff is going to be added to dance I think a flat dmg buff would be the wrong way to go about it.

I’d rather just see it removed haha, but I wouldn’t complain if it came off gcd either.

Would be a big W

How would you feel about gutting snd and bringing back recup, maybe each spec could have their own twists on the spell. Sorta like cata sub how you can talent energetic stabbing for recup.

Big agree, holds us back


Agreed especially on dance. It should be a 1 min cd NO CDR, the 45 second choice was mostly stemmed from feedback of other rogues that have tossed around the idea.

Dance ONLY needs to be what it has always been in the past:

  • Allows access to stealth abilities
  • no damage mods tied to it like a freakin goon, the secret trashbag and reprimand is what gets us to this every damn expansion and every patch. People who have been a life long career rogue do not enjoy this type of bs the whole bing bing wahoo mario collecting a coin from the box during a shoddy watered down dance burst donkey has scuffed the class’s identity up. The blame is players who whined about SV when all it took was hemorrhage / garrote / rupture to apply it of your choice and a strong find weakness.

the shadow nonsense just needs to go

  • unified eviscerates and abilities help tune us properly instead of just blanket nerfing us due to someone getting destroyed or pve kids spamming black powder into secret nonsense to look cool.
  • rogues need to go back to being single target nukes with assist damage via rupture and other ways. The " I need to be good at everything" attitude really started in MOP when people sat around griping about gear score and “you can’t come to this fight because you don’t do AOE” type of groups in party finder.
    The shadow stuff is all over the tree and further confuses Subtlety. It’s there, it’s just crap because they cannot figure out what they want to do with Subtlety. In the end of the day we aren’t casters, there’s absolutely no reason at all for us to have any magic damage.

Cata / WoD was it, there was absolutely no logical / rational reason to throw in Symbols + all this dance focused stuff. Dance has always been a tool, not a means for an existence for our class.

Get rid of casino reprimand so eviscerate and all rogue finishers are properly tuned, get rid of SL nonsense that someone was proud / didn’t care enough and so they put it in.

Get rid of duel and stop reinforcing putting us into gimmicks to win

**Make our entire kit cohesive and stop focusing on DANCE, that is NOT our identity. We are Subtlety rogues who use

  • Find Weakness (50% at least)
  • Hemorrhage and positional Backstabs + Ambushes (not naruto strike nonsense)
  • Nice Rupture assist damage and hard menacing Eviscerates.

Revert us to WoD / Cata, all 3 of us had an identity. The further we go down the road, the less rogue holds onto any traditions or identity.

Subtlety SHARED almost every aspect of it and gained absolutely nothing in return but more gimmicks and more disappointment.


Here’s the link to the bigger post boys, please check it out and weigh in.

Bumping in hopes for better days :frowning:

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Agreed!!!, thank you for stating this. I do not have a ton of input since I really havent played much since Wrath. A little in Cata and a little in mists, but coming back now I almost feel that does it even pay to have classes since we all do the same thing just named something different.


True, every class should have strengths and weaknesses. The only thing that makes us stand out is our cc, but even that is being nerfed. Giga buffing our damage is just gonna make us another homogenized melee man spec.

Back in the day we were known for our massive single target damage, control, and strong cds. To make up for this we had to be “squishy” outside of our control and defensives, we also had no hp recovery outside of bandages and food. Now everyone has to be the strongest, the tankiest, the fastest, the best utility. Remember back when not every class had a kick or stun?


I will dissect this further but just a few high level points.

  • Not convinced on hemo returning.

    • Another filler builder / maintaince debuff is not something I care for. Backstab can fill that role with some sort of amplified modifiers via improved FW as well as positional modifiers for landing backstab from behind etc
  • I saw a lot of different mechanics based on positional that is also a double edged sword and not something they should fully re-introduce. I think I read that you had positional variance even for Eviscerate based on the front vs the back that is a huge NO.

    • backstab having positional perks from behind is fine.
  • Those are just some initial things that jumped out as friendly critiques the rest seemed to bring back rogue to its essence.

  • Shadow Dance:

    • Should be sub only and become the primary DPS/utility cooldown similar to how it used to be.
    • 1 charge 45 second CD
    • Remove Shadow blades and put that damage back into Evis and Backstab l
    • Honestly I kind of miss ambush. It used to serve as our single target burst combo in our dance/stun combos.
    • Rogues are squishy so there has to be real kill pressure when successfully setting cross cc and properly timing a dance window.
  • Eviscerate needs to be turned into a real finisher again

    • Kidney+dance+premed+ambush+Eviscerate used to threaten lethal damage when setup.
  • Backstab even after the continual buffs still hits to weak and ultimately is counter intuitive to how the spec plays now. In PvP all kill pressure comes from dance windows where you will not be using backstab to begin with. Outside of dance windows sub is basically maintaining buffs/debuffs (SnD/Rupture) and/or trying to reset till the next stun DR/dance window.


Thanks for the feedback! I didn’t intend for it to be a afk maintence buff you’re forced to keep up, my intention was to bring back that classic/tbc era feeling to the class. Meaning that if you talent into hemo, hemo would be your main generator. The benefit to playing this over backstab would be that it’s a cheaper generator, there is no positional requirement, and the dmg bonus to physical dmg. Vise versa for backstab. If backstab is hitting super hard you shouldn’t have to hemo.

Yeah, I was keeping in mind getting rid that. Sprinting around your target looking for sweets spots sounds cool, but it would be annoying to go from looking from stabs into evising. Probably would change it out for +crit chance on evis or something.

I hard agree with you when it comes to all of this. Dance needs to be sub only, and on a flat cd whether it be 45 seconds or 1 minute.


Man I still can’t believe they are nerfing blind/sap like it makes no sense. It has been in the game forever. That one change alone is such a huge nerf to Rogue.

Blind/sap is literally one of rogue’s win cons. Sub already has drastically nerfed damage, innately more squishy then other classes. Less HP, less physical mitigation as a melee.

Higher health pool + reduced crit + reduced CC + nerfed damage on live makes sub feel really bad in 10.1. Really hope they make some further balance passes.


Nerds who are saying you just stun into blind into sap are goons. Yes we do that, but that decreases up time into an already mediocre dance, decreases damage from the rogue , increases chances of being trapped/feared etc and relies on zugs from other classes more.

I agree with what you said above as well.
Dance just needs to be dance. Get rid if s.blades buff the living heck out of backstab (throw in behind serious bonus) , improve FW to wod 50% at minimum. Good lord if we arent changed we will wait for 11.0 to not be a gimmick rogue.

They continue to alter other classes and add new talents but when it comes to Subtlety : “best we can do is dance donkey”.

Bring back the full kit of Subtlety.

Cata / wod is perfect and the only thing devs should honestly consider.not making this current abomination “work”.


Disagree with the way on m+ so much stuff dodge the last thing we need is damage bonus with positional same in raids sometimes is impossible to get behind or or side side of the raid boss.

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then you stand normally and attack from the front and do with what you can. Everything worked perfectly well in WoD style rogue. Hemo was used for when you couldn’t get behind/side for applying SV. backstab also could be used from diff angles. Return to that and get rid of the gimmicks, there is no other way. No point in having a mediocre version of dance and all the gimmicks. You press your abilities, it should be doing stuff, not building up like wind walker hit combo nonsense.

It’s called backstab for a reason, gloomblade doesn’t hit for much harder and devalues what BACKstab did. Hemo was perfect added30% sanguinary vein no matter what and kept us rolling instead of dance donkey nonsense where we are only effective for 6-8 sec then you are completely useless out if it.

Tacked on nonsense since legion which lead us to having to be incredibly hyper focused on dance windows and now nonsense like

  • lingering shadow ( decaying weak talent after 5 sec)
  • deeper daggers (much worse SV)
  • SV put into dance from people griping when all it took was any stealth attack, rupture, or hemorrhage to keep it up.
  • non existent find weakness
  • all for mediocre “get back to dance asap” game play. A once great cd is now no different than pressing eviscerate.
  • lost identity and silly interactions with secret technique that also waters down eviscerate our primary iconic finisher.

Stripping us of wod and actual Subtlety for convenience sake is crud.

  • Double dance is a mistake, cdr makes the rest of the kit weak as heck, symbols is a joke, danse macabre is just a mini game to make you hit “decently” for 3 seconds of each dance after 5 stacks then doing back to absolute trash damage while others tee off.
    Proof of why wod Subtlety is better
  • wasn’t completely reliant on dance
  • hard hitting finishers with no gimmicks or extra cds
  • had preparation and actual premeditation
  • had strong Find Weakness that was truly impactful
  • iconic 1 min dance with no modifiers tacked in
  • only had to keep up Sanguinary vein by hemo / garrote / rupture and blasted primary targets. AOE is not what a rogue is for, bring a pajama wearing mage/ warlock / dragon tales kid for that.
  • hard hitting ambush , backstab, eviscerate
  • retained all tools of being a rogue instead of a shadow priest with a knife.
  • didnt need goofy cds to be impactful like reprimand and such to hold it together and further confuse tuning and balance.
  • rogue was a threat all around in all 3 specs, now we are cc bots that hold gatorade bottles for the W key starters while we ride the bench.

Top dps stunning infernals for prey on the weak, no angle to backstab (you could on that fight, but its hard), and slowing stars. Don’t want to hear anyone crying about backstab positioning, especially now that it’s useable all around.


Damage got turned to absolute trash because of rogues and fotm kids griping about it. The from all angles is a nice QOL but the hardest it should hit is literally from behind as it was always designed to. Hard agreed with you bro.

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Honestly, I feel its fine as long as there’s no big difference between being in front of your target or behind your target in overall contribution (e.g. spamming in front and spamming behind end up being equivalent).

That’s why for Eviscerate, I felt that increasing the damage of your next Eviscerate by x when in front of your target (setup) or increasing the damage of this Eviscerate by x when behind your target (burst) is a net zero difference of where you stand. The difference being going from in front of your target with your first finish to going behind is going to allow you to stack both buffs and deliver a higher total burst in the second. The third in that scenario is normal, compared with front-front allows the third to have the same x buff.

My thinking of how it could work anyways. I believe the design should never make you feel obligated to stay in either position, but I do believe design should add some depth to decisions (e.g., if you CAN run behind before a burst window where the boss is taking 100% more damage, you should feel rewarded for playing smart).

That said, throughput for Backstab should be a bit higher for Rogue when behind the target. The class shouldn’t be balanced with the expectation of Backstabs always landing from behind. It really should just be a bonus for Backstab anyways if you can get there. A 20% harder Backstab at 25% total damage contribution (aggressive estimation) ends up being a net of 5% more damage overall, which is within normal variance. (That said, I still think it would be good to provide a talent option to make being behind the target more rewarding overall – more risk, more reward. And if the fight isn’t friendly for it, just adjust talents accordingly. It would give back a niche.)


Yep dance donkey is a dud.

This makes a call for the rework even stronger.

  • Bring back hemorrhage
  • Bring back Sanguinary Vein
  • Bring back real 1 min dance

Make WoD rogue the actual feel. This is as much of a “we would rather you not play Subtlety” demo meme from WoD without them actually saying it.

Time to rework us. The only thing Subtlety is consistent in is being consistently inconsistent.

End the legion nightmare already.