Insane (WotLK classic) - Bloodsail criteria

Criteria “Honored with Bloodsail Buccaneers” is lost upon relogging if you go below Honored.
This method is the most popular to do Bloodsail first and then do the cloth turn in, however as it is now, it has to be done all in the session where Bloodsail rep is lost, because upon relogging that criteria is no longer ticked.


I just wanted to bump this and say that during the time that this Feat of Strength came out the requirements were that you needed to simultaneously hold the reputation Honored with Bloodsail Buccaneers and Exalted with Steamwheedle Cartel. Later in 5.4.7 they implemented a hotfix to this stating:

“Resolved an issue where Exalted status with the various Steamwheedle Cartel factions, as well as Honored status with the Bloodsail Buccaneers faction, were not properly being credited if those reputations subsequently decreased. After implementation of this hotfix, players should now be able to earn this achievement if they bring those five reputations to the required levels.”

This seems like they back-tracked from their initial design with this feat or perhaps they left this feat of strength bugged for 6 years. Either way, I didn’t realize this was the case at the time I did this achievement back in 2013 before the hotfix was implemented and I had to reverse my reputations with Steamwheedle Cartel down to increase my Bloodsail Buccaneer’s up to Honored. And what a headache that was! I did end up getting Insane and don’t want anyone to go through the torment of not getting their Title because of a technicality that wasn’t evident!

I propose that Blizzard be more transparent with the guidelines for obtaining this Feat of Strength because it took me a few minutes to put together this information and may not be evident to a first-time Insaner.

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Actually, going through wowhead comments there are many people claiming and confirming that it’s not required to have them all at the same time. The comments are posted in patch 3.1 when the title came out.
This means the cataclysm fix is likely a bug that emerged later on.
To add to that, the criteria is not lost until relogging, so the achievement clearly isn’t tracking simultaneous criteria but rather is not storing it between sessions.

A stance from blizz would be nice because doing bloodsail > goblins (cloth turn in + dm runs) only to find out at exalted that bloodsail no longer counts, is game over.

I’m experiencing the same problem but the other way around.
Had Goblins at Exalted and then slaughtered my way to Honoured with Bloodsail based on the above information from Patch 3.1 where players had successfully received The Insane after getting to Exalted or Honoured and then losing it.

I raised a support ticket which was automatically closed for being under the achievement title and then directed here.

Here’s a comment specifically from 3.2
By 453031 on 2009/09/07 (Patch 3.2.0)

bump, i had bloodsail honored and it was checkmarked for the acheivement. so i started fixing my steemweedle rep with cloth turn ins, only to find out after i finished all cloth turn ins that bloodsail is no longer checked. Please please please tell me i dont have to do the bloodsail grind again after getting exalted with steemweedle.

Sadly that’s probably the case. No responses, no fixes and support tickets related to achievements get auto closed … rip

Sorry to dig up this old thread but I can confirm that getting Honored with Bloodsail Rep (prior to finishing the other reps) doesn’t seem to have credit towards the title.

I got the Bloodsail rep to honored back in early November. I completed the Quest to get the title (have the Feats of strength for Bloodsail which should be one of the flags that this was hit). Then after hitting this goal, I then went and finished off all the Steamwheedle Cartel rep to exalted. Finished off the other reps as well in this time and finally finished the last Exalted rep with Darkmoon Faire today. Only to find out that I never got the Insane Achievement, and using the Tracking scripts, still says I need to hit Honored with Bloodsail. So look like I have to start that grind all over again.

Just worried if I start this grind again the Steemwheedle rep will also suffer, and i’ll loose the flag for those now as well, and then have to regrind those back again as well.