Insane in the Membrane WotLK Achievement

I have been trying to find a post before creating this one but nothing has been discussed about it yet.

‘Insane in the Membrane’ Achievement (Feats of Strength) is something that requires tons of preparation and a massive amount of hours spent grinding pirates/pickpocketing in LBRS.

My question is:

Back in the days, we were required to hit Exalted with all Steamwheedle Cartel reputations while being HONORED with Bloodsail Buccaneers in order to get the achievement. It was changed in 4.0, it would save your reputation progression even if you lose reputation with the Cartel. Will it be the same case for WotLK Classic or we could hit exalted with the Cartel first and then grind Booty Bay guards for Bloodsail Buccaneers rep?

I do not care either way, I will do it. The only reason I ask is because we can’t track the progression of this achievement since it’s in the Feats of Strength category. Going for Buccaneers last would drastically lower the amount of time grinding pirates.

This is one I am curious about as well since I am working on getting the required reps. I seem to be seeing conflicting info on wowhead such as this post: where they said there is confirmation from Dresorull (Quality assurance) that it was changed in 3.1 to “At some point” instead of “At the same time” and others below it confirming that they also got it without having all of the reps at the same time during 3.3.2. But no clue if it will require it at launch.

Edit: Comment on wowhead also said you can force track it with

/run AddTrackedAchievement(2336)

and untruck with

/run RemoveTrackedAchievement(2336)

Not sure if these 2 commands work tho.

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I just did it the safe way. It only added about 20 extra hours or so.

I’ve completed it on classic, I’ve got the title on the beta after copying my character. You can get Steamwheedle Cartel Exalted & Bloodsail Buccaneers Honored quite easily. Just farm the booty bay guards to honored then go farm pirates in tanaris & the barrens, they don’t reduce your rep with bloodsail.

It will not retroactively track the reputations, so if you don’t want to have both reps simultaneously then you’ll need to wait until WotLK to farm the reps.

Instead of farming pirates in tanaris, I would farm in Grizzly hillls at the ship to get rep, xp, cloth, greens and blues to sell on th AH. might take a little longer, but I think at the end of the day it would be worth it.

No idea if they are making changes to this achievement in Wrath Classic, I can only speak from my experience in OG Wrath. Back then, we lost the reputation from Bloodsail Buccaneers as you increased your Steamwheedle rep which is why you had to grind the Bloodsail Buccaneers to at least Honored first. The hidden FoS achievement will mark the Bloodsail Buccaneers portion as completed once you hit Honored and retain it once you move on to the Steamwheedle portions.

Here is how you can track the achievement progress:
/run AddTrackedAchievement(2336)

Here is how you untrack it:
/run RemoveTrackedAchievement(2336)

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Does anyone know if it’s possible to be exalted with bloodsail buccaneers + exalted with steemwheedle cartel at the same time.

I would like to do all the quests (for loremaster) then grind blood sail to exalted, then steemwheedle. Is this possible?

Interesting, I will try that console command. Thank you!

You can maintain both rep by farming rival pirate factions, or venture co. Doing quests may or may not (depending on the quest) lower your BS rep, and killing BS pirates will 100% lower it.

You can also farm rep and maintain BS rep by doing Free Knot over and over again.

As far as exalted is concerned, you cant get exlated with BS in LK. You can hit 11999 honored and then do their 2 quests to get about 534 into revered and thats cap.

Blizzard raised the ability to get to exalted later on in I think cata.

Edit: My friend is doing insane alongside me and he also did loremaster after. As Horde he was able to skip BB quests and have plenty leftover for E. Kingdoms, but he struggled with Kalimdor and had to squeeze out drop quests from mobs to get quests to finish it out.

If you want to do Seeker on the other hand which is like 3000 quests, in LK, there is only like 3300 quests, so you should do that first then worry about Insane, otherwise youll drop your BS rep. That said, it cant be exalted right now anyways, so it doesnt matter right now for the exalted achviements.

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There’s a single mob in Barrens I think that gives 5 rep. It’s the only way to dig through revered to exalted with Bloodsail.

Having the title done since over half a year and on beta the title was given out. However I also went the safe route as its not really that much more to do. Doing diremaul for exalted reps gave me like 30 shendralar books on the way on top of ace cards.

I wouldnt not go the safe route if I were you.

No. While working on it myself, there is 3 ways to raise cartel rep without losing Bloodsail rep.
1: Free Knot - This is the first used way, where you go to DM N, grab the tanin, kill the spawned boss, and have a 50/50 chance of getting the key that frees Knot for 325 pr 350 rep. You can combo the suit with it for another 250 rep first time and like 75 every repeating time. These are both repeatable, raise all cartel reps at once, no spillover, and does not lower Bloodsail.
2: Select quests. Not every quest lowers Bloodsail rep. Doing a quest for a cartel faction rewarss 100% rep, and gives 50% spillover to the other 3. So 100 rep for Ratchet is also giving 50 rep to the other 3. Some quests can lower Bloodsail.
3: Mob farming. Ratchet has Southsea Freebooters, Tanaris has Wastewanders and Southsea Pirates, Booty Bay has Bloodsail pirates, and Everlook has no specific pirate faction. All 4 are raised by killing Venture Co equally. When killing any pirate faction, the respective city will get 100% rep and the rest get 50% for the kill, BUT the pirate faction to the respective city only goes to Honored, while itll carry the other 3 to Exalted. Doing this, the most optimal way is do Bloodsail first, then go to Ratchet and kill the freebooters at 5 rep per, or 2.5 per for the rest, with 25 rep and 12.5 rep spillover for killing Baron Longshore. Do this till honored with Ratchet first, then keep going until the other 3 are exalted. Then go to Tanaris and kill wastewanders led by Calipe, or Southsea pirates led by Firebead. The grunts will give 0 rep to all factions as youre exalted (assuming 999/1000), and 2.5 rep to Ratchet, or 12.5 if the leader. Do this till Ratchets exalted. Really the key note is that if you only kill the freebooters below ratchet, youll never get Ratchet to exalted.


Ty for the in depth post. Does any quest you know of in Outland / northrend lower bloodsail rep?

Shouldnt, Area 52 is not a cartel goblin faction, so their quests wont lower it, but nothing you do for them will raise it either.

I havent done the select quests option, but my friend has. He used questie to see if Bloodsail rep was lost, and he only did enough to finish Kalimdor loremaster, then left the rest as he doesnt want to risk angering Blizzard spaghetti code.
Edit: For Northrend, there are Venture Co in Northrend, which should affect all cartel reps the same way the pirates do, feel free to murder them as well for rep. That said, youd probably be starting 0/36000 hated, and at tens of thousands of kills to get to exalted, itd be way faster to kill level 14s below ratchet than 72-74s in like the Grizzly Hills.

Thanks everyone for the responses. I just got Exalted with all Cartels and will wait for WoTLK launch to grind BB guards for Buccaneers rep. Meanwhile I will go pickpocket orcs in LBRS for Ravenholdt! =)

Will update this post if we still haven’t heard from the devs after I’m done.

I don’t think you read my post or the post I was responding to, but thank you for that extremely long reply?

I read it. I responded correctly. I explained how there is more than 1 option to get the rep, and in regards to the killing option, there is far more than 1 mob, and if you farm the one you said, you wouldn’t get exalted with Ratchet, which is a rep needed for Insane as well.

You mean to tell me there is more than one option to get BLOODSAIL BUCCANEERS rep to exalted, after you hit it with revered from killing goblins and then doing the 2 quests?

No where did I say anything about any Rachet reputation.

Ngl, got baited by the Barrens part.

It’s also weird that when you quoted my original post, you left out the final sentence which proves you really didn’t read it.