Insane in the Membrane - Achievement

I don’t see the Insane in the Membrane achievement in the Achievement pane in-game. Is anyone else having this problem?

I just checked and can see it. Do you have it completed? Feats of Strength like it only show up once completed.


I haven’t messed with it, but I know there is a better achievement add-on that will properly display your progress or completion.

The default one is missing a whole bunch of them for some reason

:crab: :izakaya_lantern: :crab: :izakaya_lantern:

How does one achieve this? Just wondering.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

Lots of rep grinding!


This is my go to title on all of my characters.


As mentioned, it is a Feat of Strength. While there are a few exceptions (ones with player power rewards generally), these only are visible once earned generally speaking.

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Oh boy. I do not like rep grinding, but this may be well worth it.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:

its would be easy to do the pirate first if you go to the goblin towns alot
first kill the goblins get the pirate one then kill the pirates to get goblins back to friendly

[Edit: Ignore me. Apparently I have a hard time understanding the UI. Nothing bugged here.]

one way to see it is the title will make plenty of sense after you get it as some of that rep is insane to get. Bloodsail buccaneers also makes rep with booty bay, ratchet, Gadgetzan, and Everlook go down if I recall right as to farm their rep you gotta murder the goblins who work at those towns. I got that leg of things on my DK in wrath but those cities hated me for ages after

this achievement is best done on an alt that you dont need the goblin towns

Got this title a few years back, fun times are ahead for you.

Thanks! I didn’t know that. Good to know.

you’re welcome!

As with almost everything/every grind in WoW, if you want to do it over a weekend/short timeframe, then yes… it’s AWFUL!!!

But if you just spread it over into easy to manage chunks… it’s NOTHING. lol

I think I chipped away at IITM over a period of 5 years or so. Yes… YEARS.

And doing it that way, I was literally only bothering with 100 rep here, 100 rep there. Farm 20mins here, farm 20mins there. And not every day, like one a week! Maybe even once a MONTH!!!

The rush rush rush, gotta have it NOW mentality is what makes all of these things seem like a chore.

Just… don’t do it that way. It’s that simple. Just spread it out and seemingly without even trying, you’ll have it easy.

I’m in the 90th percentile for every collectible in this game. Pets, mounts, toys, xmog, Achvs … ALL of those things! And it’s not because I’m a sweaty try-hard, I only play about 10 hours a WEEK!!! Most people doing what I do play more than that in a DAY!

The secret is: I’m consistent. :wink: