Innovative PvP modes. Out with the old and in with the new

Thought of a possible good idea to help bring a innovated PvP game mode to a stale (in my opinion) current list of PvP maps/modes that we have. Now let me start off by saying I do enjoy PvP but it just seems to be that their isn’t a whole lot of innovation going on in the PvP department. Please let me know what you think and offer up any other ideas.

Blizzard should make a game PvP mode that relates to the scourge invasion. This would be an epic BG so maybe 50-100 players would be in the game together most would start out in an airship and jump down to different areas of their choosing when the game starts. Some players that queued up would instead spawn in as zombies and they would be sitting at the front gates of the city and they would have an opportunity to choose different types of zombies like the standard small one, an abomination and etc. each zombie would have unique abilities. For example the abomination would be slow with more health and their hooks would work like Roadhogs in Overwatch so they can pull players in and big melee damage. small zombie could be quicker, smaller health and maybe have a leap with a CD to help cover ground quicker. The “living” players would jump down and maybe have a limited time to prepare the battlefield. My thought process of this was that live players had to jump to different parts of the city and quickly find nodes to help them in the bg. the nodes would be offensive and defensive. examples of Offensive nodes I thought of was one being able to wear a mech suite in the middle of battle where you were have single target Gatling gun on one hand and the other a rocket that does AOE damage. if you take too much damage in the mech suite then you would be ejected up high in the sky where you could parachute to a location of your choosing. another offensive node would be like an aerial strike that you would call down in areas of your choosing during a battle and a group of gnomes/dwarves/goblins would be on some kind of flying machines and drop bombs. A defensive node would be barracks to clutter up a pathway to help funnel in the zombies to one location. I was thinking having a number amount of zombies be bots that would attack along with the player zombie base. as the battle commenced if the “live” players died then they would join the dead and then be fighting the “live” players. The zombie side would have limited amount of lives to use as a zombie and every death of a zombie then that number would dwindle to their were no respawns and then the living side would win. The flipside to that is if the living get overrun (maybe the last 10 players that are living) then a drop ship would land in an area and the living would have maybe 30 seconds to get to that area and if they make it to the drop ship then they would get some kind of consolation reward. The original zombies of that match would get more bonus honor points or something then the ones who got converted to zombies in the fight. The rewards could be a random chance of loot like transmogs, mounts and standard reward that people would get would be gold and honor points.

look here, I know what I just explained is pretty raw and some ideas that I had might not work or might be OP but I think there is a good foundation of something that could be unique to the game and draw players in if their even more unique game modes like this. This idea could easily be built upon to use in future expansions and not just built for one expansion and forgotten like Blizzard likes to do. I look at other blizzard games like overwatch, and heroes of the storm to name a few that have some unique pvp matches to offer players and then I look at WoW and I wonder why they don’t try and emulate that. It doesnt have to be to the scale that I just explained. In my opinion the current state of epic bgs are terrible, I think they lack excitement and havnt innovated at all in the past years but I think something like this could be unique to current player base and I think this could be something fun to watch in a stream and I think that would increase overall player count. I just would like to see some innovation in the pvp side of the game, I feel like Blizzard is missing out on some big opportunities.

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yea your right lol didnt even notice how bad that was. Thanks for the critique.