<Innocent Serenity> recruiting for raiding and RBG

Mostly an upstart but everybody gotta start somewhere. So looking for people that want to raid and or RBG. Wanting to work as a guild to get things done, people geared and just lvl the guild. Would say this would be more casual cause as for me I don’t care if there is a wipe or lose a BG it’s just all part of learning. Just do a /who innocent serenity if you want to know more. There should be an officer on to talk to or send invite if you want in and have fun.

Yeah i know this isn’t a good recruiting post. only cause i’m a LETS HAVE FUN person

So sad .I wish I was on your server .I am trying to get in raid and rbg scene but nobody is willing to take me under wings and teach me on my server :frowning: