Inhoteps thoughts on solo delves or party delves?

what do you prefer? go at it alone or with friends? personally for me i just did my very first one last night and i recorded it and i really enjoyed it with a full party. kinda cool actually. so from now on i will try to do it with other fine folks like yourselves :slight_smile: thats it have a wonderfull day and happy hunting. :slight_smile:

I lean towards solo, but my friend Yuki swears by parties and she loves it.

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I dont always do delves, but when i do, its solo.

Stay thirsty


My cousin played wow for a hot minute. I enjoyed doing delves with him but MMOs are definitely not his thing.

So it’s solo for me. I wouldn’t want to do them with randos


Always solo.

When Delves were announced as a way that players can solo the content, that it was an option, that’s how I’ve always done them. I do TW and did do LFR in prior expansions, not felt the need this expac though. I prefer to solo as much content as I can.

I’ve never thought to even try group up to do them, not a bad thing either way.


I have never done a delve in a party. Don’t even have people in game to party with.

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Towards the front end of the patch I ran a lot of duo delves with a friend. It was a lot of fun, tbh.

Solo is fine too.

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Solo. I like figuring out how to use my toolkit to over come the problems in the delve. I finally got the last 2 tier 11s done last week.

I’ve run several with a friend, but she doesn’t play that often. Also, she mains warlock and they’re very “here I am feel my wrath all in my way!” Whereas on my Hunter I camouflage past many groups just there to slow you down.


Completely solo.

I enjoy using my own cc’s and other parts if my tool kit that I never get to use in groups. Being able to use my traps and binding shot on top of the knock back while MDing to my pet, using volley/multishot with explosive and trick shots.

It’s just much more fun than tank grab, just aoe and nit really having too much I need to pay attention too.

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You should be using all of that in groups lol

Rarely ever get the chance. Its all move move move. Hasnt been since vanilla when it was “moon sap, square trap, circle sheep”. Now when I throw a trap and it’s instantly broken.

Only time in groups i use the knock back is to position a mob that either came after me or isnt going after the tank.

So your “gotcha” isnt a thing.

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Not sure the level you play at, but the higher the difficulty, the more they get used and are expected to be used.

Love a good timed binding shot or explosive trap for aoe interrupt

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I typically prefer group content, being that it’s an MMO and all.

But since I am a decent player, solo delves go faster and easy with less chance of failure 100% of the time. So I didn’t touch groups while I was still using Delves to gear. Barring 1 or 2 friends on occasion, but usually solo.

I have never been interested in M+, so Ive never been there. Heck, Heroic only has limited reasons to be run. Once Im initially geared, I even only run those for weeklies. I really do less and less group content as we go along. I did LFR for stories and transmog. I let my delves fill my vault.

So if the abilities are used in higher keys, that is awesome. Being able to use them in Delves and way back in Torghast made me feel like a hunter again. Or heck, back to my eq days as a monk where my job was to chain pull and split pull back to groups or the raid.

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Phantom line was awesome. Or even FD split pulling. Good times.

But yes, the higher you go, the more tools that are needed to survive. And I get not caring for m+, and you dont have to push the levels, but you could still find use in keys up to 4s, especially on Fort weeks. Interrupts are a big thing, and if your interrupt is down, bursting shot for the small knock back works, explosive trap for the knock up, and even a well placed ice trap that will break right away can come in clutch.

I’ll do them with friends if it happens that some of us are in a delve mood at the same time, otherwise just solo. No need to dink around with a pug group.

Solo, where it’s actually a challenge.

Once and awhile I duo with my friend and it’s a lot easier with another player doing interrupts and healing/damage.

Is Elvis the reincarnation of Inhoteps?

A full party sounds fun sure. Till you pull multiple grps of those dang kobiss and Zekky decides NOW is the time to pay a visit… Watch that death counter get to zero as he wipes the floor with those fishes… Yeah he has that timing right.

I prefer just 1 partner… Maybe 2 sometimes.