Ingenious Mana Battery not giving correct versatility

I received a 278 mana battery today, and when I charge it up I’m only given 5 total versatility. The tooltip says it should be min 41, up to 82 based on missing mana.


The mana on it too is equivalent to the item Lv of 85 as well if you haven’t noticed. Does not seem to scale well including the versatility problem.


Just tested the battery to see if the tooltip is just wrong but it seems it doesn’t give any mana either.


Received a 285 today, gives 1 vers per “charge”… up to a total of 4 vers and max charge of 1738 mana - very underwhelming!


Can concur, this item is not functioning properly at the current ilvl.

It is a fun trinket, hope it can be fixed!


Still messed up numbers after patch today. Got this in my vault at 304ilvl and it’s basically just for the extra intel cause it’s only giving 46 vers, 51 if charged, and 434 mana every 5 seconds is going to be pretty useless…

Hoping this can get fixed to whatever its supposed to be.


Just adding my +1, my testing shows the same problem. The initial effect is scaled correctly but the on use is not.


Same got a 285 and only 4 vers. feels like more mana should be able to be stored.

Can this please be fixed asap? hotfix something?

Having the same issue… as of right now its kind of a useless trinq…and the amount of mana you get back doesnt even cover a single spell


This is still a problem. Item thinks it’s still a Legion ilvl

I just looted it 2 minutes ago, still storing 1k mana and giving 4 versatility, please fix Blizz!

So here I am thinking this trinket is just crap at 262 iLVL and that it would scale up with a higher rank, but no the additional mana and vers doesn’t scale, at all. So 5K mana according to Wowhead on the BFA VERSION OF THIS TRINKET, that’s 3 regrowths.

On the SL version I get a grand total of 1,738 mana stored, that’s like 2 cheap spells. Pretty sure the mana component is as busted as the vers. I don’t know what this was like during BFA, I never got it, but I think it would have been a static mana/vers component that never scaled so when they dropped this to iLVL 78 or thereabouts and scaled it back up to SL they never took into consideration the higher iLVL.

It’s definitely not worth the bag storage slot based on how it is now.

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Confirming, same non-scaling mana and versatility values for me as well.

Yep, same issue for me. On ilvl 304 it’s 5 vers. I’m not sure if this is a good trinket compared to others, but it’s currently a worthless trinket due to the scaling being broken.

lol still broken.

I have a 304 version… It is a waste of a vault. Blizzard messed up again on this one.

just adding my voice too, got mine today and ilvl 285 but only adding 4 versatility…guess it’s still not working properly…