Inferno fun suggestions!

Okay. Hear me out devs.
Damage/health aka difficulty stays. That’s fun. But you know what else is fun - big pew pew and SPEEEEED.

Let’s make it fun.

Remember Shadowlands Season 2/3 affixes? Those were scattered throughout the dungeon and you’d collect them as you went through them. Damage bonus, FAST MOVEMENT SPEED, absorbs. Can add AoE ticking damage.

TWW affix - while most of them won’t really work, due to lack of AoE stuns or mobility, add the healing one - healer needs to top everyone off and once they do, everyone gets a buff for like 5 minutes.

Another suggestion
Add on use items all around. A’la Necrotic wake style.

So, to wrap it up

  • Add fun power boosting affixes, such as run speed.
  • Add fun on use items throughout the dungeon to use
  • Add minibosses that would give power options a’la S2 of shadowlands in keys.

Make it look like Diablo 3. FIreworks go everywhere.



Those sound like pretty good ideas. The current iteration just feels like you’re fighting sponges. I’d take anything to make it feel more fun.


Yeah. I, personally, believe into making content more fun. Not everything needs to be ultra challenging.

But seeing giga numbers and being FAST ASF BOIIIII is mega fun :smiley:


It’s just boring, imo. But that’s a great reason to simply not do them… I’m not sure if anybody finds them enjoyable, but I’ve also seen a lot of comments about “M+ bad” etc. so I’d be wary of bringing more Retail into Classic (even progression classic) than absolutely necessary.

Maybe double the boss/mob dmg output and reduce health by 25% or something, but sticking to Cata only mechanics for Cata doesn’t seem like a very controversial idea.


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apply to Blizzard’s software development engineering position and realize all what you have just said. You know every tech company is shedding blood right now. Theres proly not even a team of developers dedicated to classic right now.

I think its pretty obvious they planned to do something interesting but some exec cut all the dev resouces for cata.

It will be hard to invest in MoP knowing itll be more of this. And no I don’t think MoP will be better than cata. Thats just more rose colored glasses. The reality is poor class balance, very grindy, and has a terrible story and theme.

Like you have to play farmville at end game. lol. WoD was a reaction to overwhelming feedback that the game had so many chores, if you wondered how we got an expac with “nothing to do”

anything shadowlands gives me ptsd so im scared lol but hp and dmg up ain’t fun

I will play MOP and quit thereafter. Death of mythic Hellscream marks my uninstallation.

SL was bricked by its heavily restrictive and grindy system.

PvE content, however, was top notch. Dungeons were phenomenal imho. All but Spires.
9.2.5 onwards was great.
Of course, every tier has its own set of bad bosses, but overall, raiding and M+ content was pretty solid.

I bought up SL cuz I didn’t play DF, so im not familiar with seasonal affixes of DF.
But I really liked S2 and S3 seasonal affix in SL.

Agreed. I think in small doses M+ can be a little bit fun. But I think they also bring toxicity and gate keeping, so there’s a fine line between making content challenging, and making it “too hard.”

I’m not a game designer, so I don’t know the best solution to this, but there’s gotta be something better than the current design :\


Right. Hence my suggestions focus on making it more fun, rather than focusing on extra challenges.

Yeah. I think there should be better rewards, also. Like maybe an ilvl 359 from each boss, with the last boss having a chance to drop normal tier as well (similar to what they did in Wrath).


Wrath alpha mechanics:

web wrap, mirror images–no, please no. Wipe city for one, and dreadfully tedius for the other.

Pools of blood/Holy water bombs–Meh. I guess the Gundrak/DTK one was better than nothing, aside from the snake boss.

UK/UP And HOS/HOL. These were pretty great overall, though maybe people died a little too fast in the frost, and the HP sponges in HoL got old after a while. Healing that one, at least…zzz


One mob every other pack has an HP shield of 25% of their health, which when you break it, it explodes for 30K on everyone. BUT you get 25% haste for a minute, and it can stack to 50% if you kill the next mob in time. Pain is gain!

Or how about a lava wave you can dodge but lead enemies into? Typhoon meta!

You’re suggesting more things to kill on top of the 100% hp buff to stay. Unless the buffs that those monsters give are somewhat on par to combat the garbage that currently cata has I don’t think it’s a very good idea.

And thinking deeper I don’t think these devs seems too interested in changing anything else right now…