Inferno Dungeons when everyone isn't full bis

Deadmines taking people an hour already, everyone in these dungeons are full bis. Recalculate your 100% increase its brain dead. Nobody is going to even bother queuing in the near future when a boss fight is 3-4 min RIGHT NOW and people will be doing half the dps with that one guy that clearly doesnt know how to play his class and do even less.

were in “P3” DOING PRE BIS P1 CONTENT. WE Do NOT need this much hp. Shouldve already had all this loot from idk farming the phase for 24 weeks?!? Many of us ran split characters. how hard are you going to make us work for our bis from 6 months ago dear lord. over 100 al akir kills not 1 wildfire sword either but thats personal cope.

With boss fights changing so much in the next tier a lot of people will be swapping classes/mains and a lot of p3 bis still requires loot from al akir or infernos than? nty.


I did about 8 runs yesterday, most of them with people I raid with. I was stunned at how some of it felt. Not just the extra time sink, some of it was more difficult than I’d have imagined it would be. The first boss in SFK, Baron Ashbury… we hit a strangulate and 25% at the same time, that sucked. Those packs in the Vortex Pinnacle that have 2 of the Temple Adepts in them, those were miserable. They start healing again faster than a kick comes off cooldown. It was rough.

I’m not speaking to whether or not any of this is scaled incorrectly, or should be buffed or nerfed. What I will say is that it is a huge time investment into content that I, personally, was already burnt out on. The level of difficulty doesn’t make it more fun for me. But, here we go again today. At least with my main I don’t have a ton I need to acquire from it.


Did a few so far on my 356 hpal and the time difference between a BIS group vs the people who should be running it is nuts / not worth it to farm. Slow daily specific q’ing on the easier instances like tolvir where you can skip almost all the trash then using ZA/ZG skips to valor cap looks way better IMO. 15 min tolvir >>> 75 min grim batol or others.

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Its just mind numbing HP sponge… I get it once a lot of people have FL gear it will speed up a ton… but by then no one will really be running the things outside of people on alts trying to gear up and its going to be a nightmare. Health values were just cranked a bit to high. I say just a bit because some bosses its fine… yeah it takes longer… but whatever… but a good number of them its like… my god… we are just pounding on this things tapping our foot waiting for it to just die. Its not a threat. No worries. Just keep pounding away until it hits zero.


I dunno if any of you guys were around for the sod launch of sunken temple, but they had level 50 bosses that took like 10+ minutes to kill, inferno feels kinda like that instance did


Seems odd that it takes longer to kill inferno bosses than it does to kill most of the tier 11 bosses in full bis.


So sheep one? Back in 2010 with OG heroics, we used CC on most trash packs (until we outgeared the content).

It’s really not asking too much to have people you raid with use their non-damaging abilities.


Theres a electrical shield that covers/stops any casts on them? Pugs dont have the IQ to kite/los the mobs to allow us to do so. If you try and mention something like that you will get kicked for talking. You dont know the game. Stop speaking on it.

I wanted pre nerf heroics when the expansion was released 6 months ago, BLIZZ CHANGED IT. and decided to continue its dumbing down/lack of need for dps to use their brains like in tbc when i would love pulls thatrequired me to sheep.

I get your point but you are so detached from this post/the state of cata rn its not even funny.

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this is P2 not P3!!! If this is P3 what raid was in P2? what new PvP season came out?

2 5man heroic dungeons is not a phase. Even the devs said they where a 1/2 phase

So the person that I replied to stated that this was a challenge with the people he raids with, not pugs. If it’s a challenge for people on your own core raid team to CC or for your tank to move mobs out of the grounding triangle, that is not Blizzard’s problem. I also don’t think we should balance any classic content around dungeon finder pugs; retail has plenty of content for people of that “skill level” to do.

Bro you coming on new posts bc you got yeeted and laughed off the others? Blizzard has detailed it as p3 since october 29th/release of firelands. Heres the blue post for you to realize your a fool pmsing again.

@impsie again clueless if you bring 2 warlocks and amage or any other class besides an ele shaman and a rogue u literally cant out kick it xD they put a undispellable buff on themselves that puts their heals at gcd cast and is up again in 4seconds xD fastest kick in game is 6 seconds. blizzard butchered catacylsm terribly stop defending the expansion that killed the game twice.

a guild shouldnt have to specialize comps for 5 mans that are 6 months old and if u think so just say it and ill just block your foolishess xD


Yea feels like hp sponges, even with decent damage it takes a while.
Casters also feel a bit overtuned, not that it’s unplayable but kicks in cataclysm are still a luxury.

Personally would have liked affixes instead, I’d rather have an extra mini-game than current scaling. I understand wanting the dungeons to feel like before but we did them in p1, just adding scaling on top doesn’t make them much different. A seasonal based on Firelands/Ragnaros I think could have been fun.


I just did a 1hr deadmines. This is not fun


Yep, everything is a huge hp sponge. Combine this with my spec being absolutely awful in dungeons especially since the nerf to two of our pets it’s not fun.

I think this is adding to the evidence that attempting to make something hard by pure numbers scaling is just bad difficulty.

Well the difference with M+ is this is intended to be catchup. Making it so you want a fully geared group so the it feels “ok” seems a bit too much, moreover you can permanent cc a pack in retail it’s a bit harder to do all the interrupts on classic moreover depending of your random comp so casters can’t scale the same way.

Lets see how much blizzard even cares.
Can you tell, they don’t even play their own game?
It boggles my mind that these people even claim to balance a game using numbers alone and don’t actually playtest… BOGGLES MY MIND

I agree that 20% damage, 50% HP, and some extra Titan Rune style affix would have been better.

That would have been ideal. We didn’t have a mage in the group. We had a shaman who hexed one, it hopped it’s little frog butt into the aoe and got broken. It was bad placement on us, no doubt. But there was very little wiggle room with having to get them out of the lightning pyramid that stops you from casting on them. We got through it, but I bet most pugs not in a discord channel wouldn’t have. That one pull was rougher than a typical boss fight.

I was unsure what he was talking about but its the electrical domes in Pinnacle right?

If you dont know how to handle that as a tank you are just bad, sorry to say. Rest of the group messing up a pull is one thing but you should know very well how to use your abilities or LoS to get these enemies out there after thinking it through for 2 seconds