Indonesian Gold Selling Guild is mass report players on Pagle to monopolize the farm spots

at this damn point id take tokens, so sick and tired of never getting mana thistle or terocone, This could be a easy fix if blizz made it like fel lotus and upped terocone spawns, But now blizz would rather waste time groping women

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farming gold that will end up being sold, by a different toon on a different account, is still a bannable offense, or at the very least it damn well should be, its painfully obvious to anyone with an iq above room temp and a few years of experience playing this game who is farming a spot to make gold and progress in the game, and farming a spot to generate gold to sell for income. You are being wildly disingenuous to try and undermine that concept.

Mass reporting is proven to work there is plenty of video and written evidence and wow streamers have successfully used it to troll, either you are talking out of your a** and should stop, or you’re just lying to try and gaslight people into not targeting your source of easy gold, paypig.

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I don’t think so. I think to assume that someone is farming gold for RMT without any evidence is disingenuous. Accusatory and speculative.

That has all been disproven. Mass reports are meaningless unless someone is actually offending. Blizzard looks into every single report.


What did you say, friend?

French is a weird language.

( plz 2 b explain 4 y dis post no biggertree )

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The same thing as my last post but the phone keyboard auto corrected with incorrect words. Sorry, It wasn’t a love poem.

That’s what happens when there’s no horde to come gank them and they abuse systems like this. There’s a reason they do that on Pagle and not a balanced server

Weird doesn’t mean it’s a pejorative. Nothing in the OP’s post made it seem so and by apologizing now it does look like there was malice which is why one should never apologize unless something was said that was bad.

I’ve met many people from different countries and ethnicities who said things and parts of American culture are weird. I highly doubt they were all bigots for using the term for something they found alien to themselves.

  1. I have discovered a while ago that they farm at least eight hours per day without exaggeration because i wanted to farm before work and i could not for various reasons so i came almost ten hours later and the same mages and hunters were still there farming the same spots ( since then i was doing /who hellfire peninsula 70 out of curiosity and i could see them there frequently ).
  2. They farm at least one thousand gold per day via primal fire but their gear never improve meaning that they keep farming with level 65-70 greens and blues that are bind on equip items ( the mage that threatened me recently had at least +5 green items including communal trinkets ). And i know that they farm at least one thousand gold per day because i can get up to 250g per hour when i farm there though my caster is raid BIS for this phase.
  3. They never speak proper english and i will stop apologizing for calling it a weird language because for me it is weird and i cannot do anything about it ( feel free to translate things such as “sarakah kitu ning mang” or “tong hawek goblog” if you can ).
  4. They are extremely aggressive up to the point at where they follow players trying to deny their farming by camping the same spots until they leave with multiple mages and hunters ( luckily, their ping is pretty bad from what i noticed and they cannot tag fast enough ) and if that does not work then they start sending whispers.
  5. They have a plethora of accounts with mages and hunters. I was actually able to find out that they all have used the level 58 boosting because many of the mages and hunters still have communal trinkets ( if they ever get banned for whatever reason then they can easily get a new account working in less than one week ).
  6. The throne of Kil’Jaeden always has at least twenty undergeared mages and hunters ( they area is on hyperspawn meaning that if one mob is killed then another is being forcefully spawned ).
  7. Etc

Anyway, i am not sure why i got myself into this and why i am even trying to address something that was never addressed to begin with
 And that especially since i was involved with so much drama as of late that my excitement for the phase two and this game in general has dropped significantly.

I went into the dark side of World of Warcraft and i have paid for it.


And here you are, outing yourself.

Attitudes like yours are the dark side.

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i couldnt care less what you think about anything you’ve demonstrated bizarre non-sensical logic in every dung heap of a post you’ve made here.

Stop pretending the numerous red flags that indicate a gold farmer isn’t ‘evidence’, i could purge every server of gold farmers with a ~99% accuracy rate if i was given mod powers and the ability to look at a players action in real time, or their spec, or what they’re farming and how, or what they’re saying etc. And if you think you aren’t capable, then you don’t know what you’re talking about and should stay quiet.

you cant ‘disprove’ video evidence and things i saw happen in real time genius, i dont care what blue posts say, the entire point of this thread being a clear case, stop LYING please mr gold mafia shill.

great post, ignore glinda he’s an attention seeking mentally ill
thing, all interactions are pointless. And the gold mafia shill is a cringy waste of time aswell, your points are great, the indos are much better behaved on my server, but they get griefed by sweaty rogues for a laugh so they have to pay for a security force in game if it gets too bad, and even thats often not enough lol.

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Outing myself as what? Logical? Non-judgmental?

I never apologize for something if I did nothing wrong, nor is it my fault if someone took offense or misunderstood me and got upset. I’ll explain what I mean but I’m not apologizing because someone doesn’t understand context unless it is my fault.

As I stated I’ve met people from all over the world, my job allows me to meet many people who have migrated to the US for a better life or are going to College within the US. They’ve indeed said terms like “weird” for American culture, food, language. It’s hard for some people to grasp English because of some words meaning multiple things.

I highly doubt they’re bigots for what they say. I highly doubt the OP is a bigot for using the word within the context they are. /shrug


That’s not true lol

No - Banning these players would. Nice try though lol

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Maybe Blizzard should ENFORCE THEIR RULES THEN!

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Can you refer me to where I could find the official language of the United States?

Is it in the Constitution?

Legislation, perhaps?

Might I direct you to read the following items then come back here? You may want to change that response.

Also, for reference, H.R.997 - English Language Unity Act of 2017 was never approved and made an amendment.

I want to thank everyone for sharing their experiences and showing that i am not or i was not the only one going through this.

It seems that nothing happened to my account after being threatened with mass reports which is great because i can move forward and keep preparing for Serpent Shrine Caver plus Tempest Keep as intended. I also received a reply from a game master for the in game ticket that i made assuring me that they only apply the appropriate penalty if the reports are true and i should also report those who threaten me to mass report me so that they can investigate it.

I wish you good luck in the world of Outland and may the RNG bless you when raiding.