Indiana Jones And The Great Circle - An Opinion

Hey, My Friends

Because I suddenly have a lot of time on my hands, I watched a 2 hour “Play-Through” of this game, and I’m sorry - it isn’t worth the hype, and it certainly isn’t worth the money one would need to spend on it.

It is, at best, (and as the reviewer stated) a “Game for a rainy day”.


I’m sorry, what’s the problem with what is most literally a game of being Indiana Jones?

I mean, I can get people who weren’t into the movies not getting it, but just having made it to Egypt, so far it’s nailing the feel of the movies. And being a day one Gamepass, no reason not to try it out if someone is a fan.


Go play Silent Hill 2 Remake

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I bought it, not even on Game Pass.

I am a big Indy mark but I also think the game would be a SLOG to watch a playthrough of. Lots of walking around looking at things, taking pictures sometimes you punch a dude. The fun is in how huge it is and that you can go explore, find hidden/ancient places, gain experience just by exploring, etc. Like being the one controlling what you do and where you go makes a huge difference in this one. It’s not actually non-stop action. It’s an adventure with major action set pieces at important moments.

If it’s not your thing, it’s not your thing! But it really does NOT benefit from being streamed on twitch or whatever.


I am a huge fan of the Indy trilogy, I may check out this game but much like Star Wars… Star Trek… Marvel… DC… LoTR… the recent… um… “projects” have really turned me off. So this is on my list, but waaaay down at the bottom.

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If you have gamepass I’d say give it a try, when I was playing it it felt like it really nailed the tone and style of the two good indy movies. Some spots that may effect the gameplay, like the AI and some aspects of the melee combat not being the most up to date or challenging, but they do end up working out to allow set up for scenes seen in the movies (short fights outside particularly tough enemies, being able to knock someone down not too far from other enemies and them not always noticing)

I know there’s some people acting like this game is some sort of modern infected mess, but frankly, I don’t think those people ever watched the movies. You’ve got a strong female character along the lines of Marion, Indy screws up in humorous ways like he always does. And really, as someone who was introduced way more to Indy as a kid than Star Wars, Machinegames nailed the feel of those movies.

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Two? Are you hating on Temple of Doom?


Also, I don’t have gamepass. But yeah. I will get around to trying it. I can forgive alot of gameplay issues if I am digging the story. I don’t usually have a problem with glitches and bugs most times.

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Yeah, I’m hating on it some. Definitely the weakest of the original 3. As for the other two, I feel they’re an alternate reality version, as we learned in 1990 old Indy has an eyepatch.

And yeah, was just chiming in because I really enjoyed the game (need to go back to 100% stuff at some point) and it really hit the spot of the old indy movies for me. (Also, old Indy games, as in Egypt there’s a call back to the “I’m selling these fine leather jackets” line from the LucasArts Last Crusade adventure game)


I have a soft spot for Temple. It was the first Indy movie I ever saw. Not in theaters (I am not that old.) but my dad let me watch it when I was like 5, so
… Temple, Batman 1989, and the original Beetlejuice… really explains alot of me over the years.


My favorite Indy titles in order would probably make people mad but bear with me here

  1. Raiders of the Lost Ark
  2. The Last Crusade
  3. The Dial of Destiny
  4. The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
  5. The Temple of Doom

Now I love all five. You put any of them on a tv and I’ll sit in front of it and watch.

But Temple always felt a bit…bitter and hateful in a way? To me at least.

MAN I miss the practical effects of the original trilogy when I watch the new ones, though.

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That’s a strange list. There’s only 3 Indian Jones movies.

I mean, Temple has its good parts, the opening was cool, the mine cart was iconic. But it didn’t really fit in with the other movies in some way to me. Like it was a minor genre shift that didn’t land for me

This is another of those games that I kinda want to play, and maybe eventually will add to my catalogue but somehow still never play… haha