Index/Compilation of Amazing Customization Suggestions Threads

I feel like I’m now notorious since I have 2 threads of very similar subject.

“oh who is she? The vampire-obsessed poster? Not her again.”

Lucky I don’t start a thread on felblood elves next.


Do it!


I’ve been tempted for a while, I will admit, hahaha!


I think you would do it justice… And if we can get Ariel and Balesong in there too…


I will admit, I put a looooooot of work researching for those threads I make.

I’ve seen several parties accusing me of ‘going absurd with lore’ which is hilarious given Death Knights, Demon Hunters, forsaken, void elves, worgen, and many manners of monster exist as playable after originally being depicted as quite immovably evil.

It’s honestly not a ‘stretch’ to say these things, which do indeed have free will, could have splinter groups or survivors that want to rejoin society. Like Death Knights.

I will definitely make that a point if I start the felblood elf thread. Perhaps if I have time this weekend.


Thanks for putting the draenei thread there! pretty cool!


I really don’t care for these kind of threads because the poster making them always pick and chooses what to include. I hope blizzard just doesn’t go the lazy route and only read these.

To be fair, if the OP posted every single mega thread in the forums the first post would be incredibly long.


Also like… how does anyone not pick and choose what to add to their lists?

Should we add clown hair to my void elf list cause someone suggested that once? :stuck_out_tongue:

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yes so why bother doing this, it serves no useful purpose other than maybe make the people who feel ‘selected’ as special and maybe makes the OP feel special too.

It does give both visibility and a more compiled / organized feeling to the whole customization feature.

Not surprised to see OP omited to include the Belf thread (apart from the regulars, everybody seems to think the race doesn’t deserve more stuff. It’s been an uphill battle since pre-patch).

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There’s no need to do when a lot of void elves act like clowns anyway
(not taking a dig at you, I just couldn’t help but make that reference)

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A void portal for the Pandaren!

A thousand years of prison!

(also can you imagine void Elf prisons being just little pockets of the void realm…)

Maybe they intended to be helpful and had no ulterior motive at all? IF threads like these bother you, I suggest you mute them for your own happiness. Take care of yourself by ignoring their existence while letting them exist.


maybe I am trying to be ‘helpful’ by pointing out these threads aren’t as helpful as some people think.

Well I don’t know bout that but you’re certainly being helpful by keeping it bumped. :stuck_out_tongue:


Shh… they’ll stop posting here if you tell them that.


Oh I’m sure they’ll come back. No one has ever listened to reason when I’ve offered it before why would they start now?

You’ve got a good point. It’s actually hard to find “reason” and even harder to find people who can be reasoned with now days. Not just talking about the forums either.

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I really wish they would have based more things off the phoenix for Blood Elves :frowning:

These are just lovely…