Incursions unplayable

So obviously everyone has noticed on just about every point in the day there are 50+ alliance sitting on top of the incursions quest giver and so far there has been 0 time to farm the rep

Blizzard needs to flag all the alliance near the incursions quest giver and give them a temporary 13 day ban and make the entire area around the incursions have a non pvp suppression field placed over it

you made this event with PVE rewards so you need to make this event accessible to PVE players
PVP players already have the BM event and BG,s
why is the only PVE event added to the game besides raids being allowed to be ruined by worthless pvp dogs

so far blizzard has done a great job nerfing the raids but the raids wouldnt need to be nerfed if people were able to gear up in the prebis gear of the phase i just got my BM weapon and my trinket from offering last night and feel great with my progress but theres no loot in dungeons for the 3 pieces of incusion items i want to use in fact theres nothing good one of those slots and has a green for prebis other than incursion items

blizzard needs to fix this and harshly punish the pvpers for gate keeping for so long

One day everyone will realize “world pvp” is just attacking someone that is lower level than you, half health, is in a party of one when you’re in a party of 5, or is killing multiple mobs when you’re killing zero. It’s dumb. It’s not fun. It’s not competitive. Just stop rolling on PvP servers.

Not sure how long it’ll take everyone to realize it but world pvp is an absolute joke

Roll PvE

Hey, have you tried rolling on a PVE server? You can toggle pvp off there.
Its a great place for PVE players who don’t want to pvp!

PvP, on a PvP server?

Try Having a SPINE in World PvP. Position like a chad and fight.

Some of Us enjoy ganking people and getting ganked.

I know it’s hard to comprehend for carebear players.

it’s more likely than you think!!

You could fight back.

People join a pvp server and just go all farm animals to their slaughter.

Horde lonewolf are pretty terrible too.

Have you tried assembling raid groups and engaging in the PVP gameplay you opted into when you elected to play on a PVP server, which by definition means you cannot opt out of PVP in exactly this type of situation?

This is frankly shameful. If you get frustrated to the point of wanting to punish others for PVP happening on PVP servers, you have absolutely no business playing on PVP servers, imo.

Yes, you are entitled to roll on one and express your opinions and ideas just as all of the rest of us are, but you are hoping to have others punished for your own mistakes. This is something that the community should lean towards pointing out, imo.

If the Incursion quest giver areas are overrun with the opposite faction who are actively PVPing on your PVP server, as they often are on mine, there are several courses of action you can take:

  • be a coward, and leave - do something else.
  • be a coward, and maybe rationalize that you are busy or too good to do anything, and ask for a layer invite.
  • step up and fight. If you cannot go it alone, use the tools you have to call others on your faction into battle, however long, arduous or difficult it may be.

This is pvp on a pvp server.
