People have been requesting it since… Cata? probably since Vanilla.
Glyphs is how demon customisation works. Hunter pets are all the same set flavours as well, just different shapes.

It will probably be an updated satyr model or the old metamorphis model from demo locks That you still get if you get splashed on by those dark warlocks in lowbie caves.

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YES!!! :partying_face: :partying_face:

In current gameplay, how often do you use the succubus outside of maybe pvp?


The only build that used to be viable was demo’s shadow pvp build. But that has not been used in quite awhile.

So, sure, yay a new model… one you will never use.

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Says you.

This has been a highly requested thing for a while. I’m happy. I don’t think I will use it much. But I can see why others are over the moon.

Just the notion, without even a model, is pretty great.


Yet, u will rarely use it in current gameplay.

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It would be an excellent idea to put IN YOUR FACE that stupid Warlock who wanted to censor the bestiary culture of mythological creatures from the Florkloric and ethnic culture of legends and fantasies in video games.

no… Anyway I will do


he better. or we riot.


They won’t. The snowflake wokesters will riot and complain.

They just got a shotgun in their face that Bliz is keeping the skimpy mogs.
They finally got told no.

… you mean a jail? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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the neck beards boogyman



There are no “snowflake wokesters” crying bestie, that thread above quoted is a troll one lmao. People are very happy to see equal opportunity sexualization. I’m all for the Incuboi, a shame I won’t really get to use since no interrupt or cleanse like the doggy or imp.


I could simply summon it and use it for regular play. Not everyone needs to min/max all the time. Heck, i could just summon him while I stroll a capital city or whatever. I do still see warlocks walking around with a succubus because it is fun.


Lmao this. The heck is a warlock stable ? I use my demons against their will and make they explode when I’m done with them.


That’s my whole point! Lol

Ppl are like yay incubus! But if you acknowledge current warlock playstyle, you will NEVER use it, lmfao.

I know for certain if a warlock shoes up to a m+ or raid pug using a incubus, they will get the insta-kick, lmfao.

Incubi should have been in the game from the start.

Good that folks that want them are getting them relatively shortly though!

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Wrong. New Glyphs are always exciting.

Being able to choose between which demons are part of your summon is part of the fantasy, regardless of if they do anything different or not.

If they’re working on 1 glyph for this class, who’s to say they wont working on adding even more for other classes?


I likely wouldn’t use it at all. I like my succubus. But others have wanted it.

I don’t really PvP on my lock anyway. I might use it just to trigger people who are offended.

But others wanted it for RP.

It is a good thing all around.

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Yes we know.

Yes it does.

Gameplay? no. Aesthetically? Hell yes. A warlock is a demon handler, makes sense that he can summon incubi as well. This is just like glyphs for the Voidlord or the Observer. Still the same abilities, just aesthetically different.

Of course not. This is 2021 Blizzard not old blizz. It’s not like the glyths of old where depending on the pet you had out during the Green Fire quest, they would either tell you a straight answer (succubi) or give you a huge info dump ( Observer). It’s just an optional model change we warlocks wanted.

Look, I’m ALL for new glyphs and models. I think it’s great that players are getting more options.

But don’t forget the context. They are NOT doing this bc of player feedback, or bc they are making things better, its bc they are promoting wokism and bc they are getting sued. That’s it.

But also, you have to understand, with changes comes stupidity. There will be a ton of instances where locks will be getting kicked from groups bc they are using the “new” incubus and doing crappy dps bc they didn’t do the research and acknowledge that it’s just the old succubus and that build is NOWHERE near a viable build in any content. In fact, there hasn’t been a viable succubus pve build in years.

So while the model is nice, it also has its downfalls.