Increase your running speed by 50%

After Pandaria, it is impossible to play characters other than the demon hunter and druid. They’re damn slow


Survival hunter is pretty speedy now too. Check it out.

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Not anymore cause move speed is is the end of the tree so you’ll choose something better :frowning:

Beast Master hunter as well.

:cat: :cat2: :cat:


I got plenty in my build. I got pathfinder, trailblazer, I got the speed boost when a trap goes off, I got disengage boost of course, aspect of the cheetah. This is my fun, general purpose strikes and dots build. World content build. I’m sure there are “better” talents, but this is just a fun time. Of course it doesn’t compare to remix. There was definitely an adjustment period when coming back from that. But this is still a lot of fun.

Monk go zoom.

Shaman too with double wind Rush totem and ghost wolf.

I tried taking the cape off my Pandaria demon hunter… it felt like crawling. But when I played on my retail characters it was like I had two broken legs and a broken back.

I always pick the speed talents :joy:

Being +30% speed is so nice.

Hunters, Druid and maybe Shaman also have faster speed right?

I played Pandaria for several weeks, and coming back to retail was soooo slow. Some slight speed up in base run speed would be nice.

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Every time I switched to my prot warrior on retail since Remix came out, I thought I had a debuff for a second before I remembered. Haven’t died to fall damage yet, but it’s coming, too.


I keep trying to Blink on my retail Warlock and takes me a sec to figure out why I can’t.

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Yeah, having 266% run speed on my DH on Mop Remix is surly missed when I log into retail.

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BM Hunters run very fast.

I’m always using the dash/run animation cuz I’m that fast.

Won’t happen without a similar change being made to AI. They don’t want you out there kiting mobs around.

For the time being, the Longstrider trait on Azerite gear can give huge amounts of movement speed. Doesn’t work in SL or DF content, but I’m zoomin’ everywhere else!

Yep. Not useful for post BfA content due to not working and the loss in stats, but very much used by folks for years as part of speed sets and Timewalking sets for years.

Sadly also not useful for Dracthyr since azerite gear has no traits at all for them.

I would be happy if the speed only increased out of combat.

Yeah, I was moreso pointing out that with the prepatch, Longstrider ended up being increased to an obscene level. Prior to the patch I think each piece was giving something around 20% movement speed? With it as it is now, no other speed gear is really needed because just having Longstrider basically gets you to the speed cap lol

Oh wow, I haven’t even looked at my speed sets since pre-patch because I’ve spent so much time getting my bars back in place and figuring out which add-ons I do and don’t need/which ones do and don’t work any more.

The trait scales based on the item level of the gear. Before pre-patch, the best pieces with longstrider (ironically normal mode dungeon versions) were 194 ilevel. Looks like normal mode dungeon is still the best version, but they are now 332.
Neat. As soon as I find an add-on that works for displaying move speed, I’ll have to see how much my zoomies have improved. There’s probably a WA out there for it I should look at.