Increase The Ignore Cap

So today I learned, after adding 50 people to my ignore list, that the ignore list has a cap of 50. This normally isn’t an issue for me, but I miss being able to use trade chat as a trade chat, so I decided to ignore everyone arguing about politics so I wouldn’t have to listen to it (and man did that ignore list fill fast!) Which now comes the issue… my chat is still getting spammed with politics and my ignore list is full. Broken blizz, plz fix.


Something you may try OP is the addon BadBoy with the plugin CCleaner. You can add words to a list that it will filter out the message for.

Not that I disagree with your suggestion or the suggestion of “ignore account”.


I think there is an addon that allows you to block more people, but yes it would be nice if Blizz would expand their in-game ignore size.

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More like, give us an “ignore account” option.

Some of the more toxic players have alts.


CCleaner lets you filter chat based on keywords you use, Ignore lets you ignore unlimited people


That would be the dankest of danks

I did not know addons like these existed! Thank you guys!

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Global Ignore List addon. unlimited blocking potential

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Been suggesting this for years. It would stop spammers in their tracks.

No bite from Blizzard so far though.

even swtor is adding a legacy ignore entire servers legacy ignore

Yeah, it would work really great for all the trade chat “sale” spammers and bots. Then we might see actual social interactions going on in there again (instead of the usual automated/RMT spammer-bot messages).

Kind of surprised it isn’t an option already tbh.

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My ignore list remains empty. I dont know how you guys need to ignore so many people. Maybe stop being sensitive?

Here we go again…

It’s not about being sensitive, it’s about being tired of listening to people argue non-stop about politics in trade chat. That and RMT spammers. RMT and politics spammers earn their spot on my ignore list, which unfortunately cannot hold all of them.


Which always surprises me since BadBoy has 12m downloads lol

I don’t spend much time looking through addons, so the only ones that I really use are ones that are recommended to me.

there used to be an addon called ignore more, but I’m not sure if it’s been updated ever

You should! Addons are great and can do all kinds of things.

they should be endless, I have to clear mine once an xpac and refill it within the first patch.

Trade is basically worthless. The only things it’s used for are paid carries and arguments. Trying to ignore every player that engages in it is unnecessary when you can just leave the channel. Really, when’s the last time trade was used to sell goods? Professions have been worthless, besides alch/enchant, for a while now.