Increase the drop rate of the Fluorescent Green Mechanostrider mount

well best of luck!

You mean like going back at 50/60 and getting it.

Sorry its not an auto include with your kleenex box every time you have to roll on something.

Dont let the door hit you on the way out.

it also likely doesnt require riding. should take multiple raids as the stv mount requires good performance to get at a reasonable speed.

Things that make you go “Hmmmm”

Still won’t be soloable at lvl 60 probably.

Wouldn’t mind it if it would take multiple raids if it had a 100% chance at the end to get it. Eventually you gonna get both STV mounts if you farm enough (I have both) but the Mechanostrider is a random drop around 1% drop rate. Which means there’s a chance that you won’t get it before SoD is over.

So imo the last boss should drop a “token” (like the Copper/Silver/Gold Blood Coin) and if you collect like 20 of those tokens you can buy the Mechanostrider. So basically a “bad luck protection”.

i mean to be honest it wont matter much since we cant skin mounts and epics will replace all 3

Do you have any good suggestions for classic, or do you really just want retail 2. You can play retail if you want it mate.

Sure mate: WoW has a version called “Classic Era”, I’m sure you’d enjoy it.

Just stop. Go back to retail and enjoy your store mounts. FFS, it’s supposed to be a special, rare mount.

The real question is… Will Blizz remove it from the game again? Or let us keep it?

Will people stop with this nonsense. Just because this is seasonal doesn’t mean they should just hand everything out. This is still a Classic server, if you want everything handed to you they have servers for that. Stop trying to break ours.

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is not fine and there we go not settled!

sorry couldnt resist

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Because then, by definition, it ceases to be rare.

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who’s master looting 10 mans? lol

Op specifically said they don’t think it should be a 100% drop rate a 10% drop rate is extremely reasonable

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Guilds. And it’s not uncommon that officer’s take the mount for themselves.

I already got the mount, get good nub

10% is not reasonable. It’s a rare mount. You can come back and farm it later on, just like Baron Rivendares mount and the ZG mounts. You new age instant gratification gamers are disgusting.


Still won’t be soloable.

the only difference is that those mounts are available on Classic Era and on WotLK Classic as well, meanwhile this mount will be gone after SoD is over

We dont even know what happens at the end of SoD. The server might be permanent, they might let us migrate over to era servers and remove any non era gear. Theres all kinds of options. You dont know anything yet you jump to conclusions.