Title. Bosses already didn’t drop enough loot during classic which lead to loot drama, as well as many guilds going all of classic without seeing “insert item here” drop. This fresh server will be a bit shorter than classics original run time and seeing as we are already making changes might as well do this as well.
Loot scarcity is a feature.
Learn to enjoy and be your best self with blues and purples will rain.
Queue in the trolls who will argue against this welcome change.
Even if drops doubled from 2 to 4 there would still be scarcity . You gotta remember this is 40man raiding we are talking about. During TBC when raids moved to 25, high ticket items were in high demand. I think my guild saw one belt of one thousand deaths during all of the expac.
If everyone has full purples the purples are now just as rare as white or gray items.
The bosses drop a fine amount of items, what needs adjustments is people’s expectations that they deserve full bis.
Welfare epics and reroll tokens is in retail. Go play that.
It’s not about being full BiS. Clearly you’ve never played warrior or rogue. There are so few items that a vast majority of the time people go months without getting anything. It’s not fun to show up to raid week after week, spending gold on consumes not progressing your character.
That is the balance - if you roll warrior or rogue you will always have insane competition for items, especially weapons.
Basically have to rank if you want to be competitive - and most LC guild likely won’t give top items (quickstrike, osg, etc.) to players that aren’t ranking. Why reward those who won’t put in the effort?
They are super powerful but it is very hard to gear them. If you want easy gearing make a druid or a warlock.
There is a price to top dps in vanilla - it takes a ton of work to be the top melee that is given the earlier weapons and big ticket items.
That would be nice if that was always the case. What usually ends up happening is guilds tend to favor friends, officers, you name it when it comes to gearing. Regardless of how loot is handled because it is circumstantial, you also have to look at the run time for classic fresh. It’s literally going to be ran a third less time then classic 2019. There just isn’t enough to to get gear to people.
You don’t need any gear.
Pre-raid bis from dungeons is plenty to clear MC, ZG, AQ20, and even BWL if the tanks have a tiny bit of MC gear.
The gear only helps the content can be cleared without issue.
Increasing the drop rate just devalues all the gear and makes everyone look more similar. Keep items rare and people will actually get to look epic when they do get items.
There is way more creativity when people are mixing and matching blues and their couple epics for months, versus everyone having full ‘current tier bis’ in a couple lockouts and gearing the exact same.
Brother, why do you think people play the game at end game. That’s literally the point, and with gear having a big impact on PvP in classic there’s an even bigger emphasis on getting it. Like I said, it’s not fun to playing month by month and not progressing your character end of story.
But that’s not what happens with current gear scarcity.
Almost everyone will get an item at least every other raid for basically the entire duration.
The only time you won’t get anything for months is if you only need 1 more item and the other 20 melee in the raid need that same item.
If you are in blues, even trash MC drops will be an improvement.
Less drops from bosses = more rewarding raids for longer. If anything they should reduce the amount of drops by 20-30%. But I think the current rate is okay.
They changed this in SoD. Play that rather than turn fresh classic into fresh SoD
It’s not trolling if you don’t think every raid should rain purples .
Retail is that way
Translation: our 27 warrior raids aren’t gearing ourt warriors fast enough…
The grey parses are that way , right where you left them.
Yeah lol ok bud
Ahhh good ol Gressil Dawn of Ruin, how I never got to even see thee.
Play a different game,Cata, SoD and Retail are all for you.
Such a low IQ response. I find it so puzzling how you rejects think two pieces of gear per boss for 40 people is acceptable. Oh well, keep eating the s**t sandwich and all that.