Yes it is repeatable content so having a lower drop rate makes sense. That being said…
It should not be taking 60+ Dungeon runs to get it, it’s pretty stupid how low it is.
Yes it is repeatable content so having a lower drop rate makes sense. That being said…
It should not be taking 60+ Dungeon runs to get it, it’s pretty stupid how low it is.
It’s a legendary item. You shouldn’t be able to get it in just a few tries, that’s why it’s legendary.
So explain why majority have 100% drop rates, just not ones that drop from dungeons.
They also are not legendary items, they are the memory of those items. You still have to make the item. They also said they don’t want them to be difficult to obtain.
Torghast is supposed to be the grind associated with legendaries. Requiring dozens and dozens of instance runs just to get the freakin’ memory is ridiculous, especially with how many others are just flat guaranteed.
Yeah man I understand it should be difficult because we’ll have these items for two years but it feels horrible to grind de other side (34 kills and counting) while hearing other people getting their bis from a guaranteed drop in torghast. I don’t know why this line in the sand was drawn or why they couldn’t increase your odds on higher difficulties.
I’m having a hard time believing this was the intended design. The Torghast memories drop with a 100% drop rate, but the dungeon memories are in the 1% range? The discrepancy there makes the reality of spending an entire day in queue grinding a single dungeon over, and over, and over again, watching people bail after early bosses because THEIR memory didn’t drop and then having to wait for their replacement. I do enjoy having to work hard for something, but this just isn’t enjoyable.
Agree with OP, drop rate is way too low, making it not fun to farm for this.
I think the real issue is the amount of effort to get any one memory is wildly different. One of my shamans is a strait forward honor grind while other classes are running the same 5 man 50+ times.
I remember getting burnt out in BC as I had to grind the same 3 heroic dungeons over an over for the rep to buy my bis tanking weapon. Grind is fine, but it needs to be varied.
Just because something takes time to farm, doesn’t mean that the activity deserves a legendary drop. The fact that you have to do it 50+ times makes it annoying because it’s so trivial and easy, albeit time consuming. You could do normal dungeons with your eyes closed.
Difficult content should drop legendaries instead.
Well if it makes everybody feel better, m0s look like they have a pretty damn high drop rate of legendaries. I did world tour with my group and in total we looted four or five legendaries.
I think they recently hotfixed the drop rates. Good change. But could be annoying for people who spent hours prior to the hotfix.
Okay and then people do get it in the first couple of tries and that’s the where the frustration of RNG lies.