I was witness to a pre-made dungeon group deliberately grief a tank. It was willfull, on purpose, and malicious. Then they voted to kick the tank. I saw what they were doing, and yes, i reported all of them; but i left because i wanted no part of group that was deliberately griefing people. I do not believe that tank should have received the deserter debuff. this type of behavior should not be allowed. Deserter should not be applied to everyone just because they are no longer in a dungeon that has started.
You’re trolling with that scroll box.
im not trolling at all, im detailing something i directly witnessed. the event is factual
No it isn’t. A premade group of 3 needs all 4 votes to kick someone.
No, it only requires 3 votes to remove a player.
Pretty sure they said the scroll box was the trolling element, not the event you describe.
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