Incompatible servers

Do you have a link that gives this exact time of 7am PDT? Because I haven’t seen that in any of the links or documentation.


Seconding Sniperorc and Mourningg. I’ve looked through most every place I know to look, and not a single source has ANY time listed. Only that it will open on June 5th.

And unless it’s a Blue post - it doesn’t count. So if this was something you’re quoting from a streamer or Reddit, neither are reliable resources. Nothing has been posted on this site, be it on the forums or through their news. Wowhead has nothing. The shop has nothing.


That’s before I’d expect most people to have arrived at the office to do any of that.

I understand if the planet you got that from wishes to remain unidentified.

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It’s exactly what incompatible means. In this case, the Beta pops up 2 licenses for you to choose (in my case 1 and 6), where 1 is your PTR license, and 6 is the beta license.

The 10.2.7 PTR servers are incompatible with the 11.0 client.

Sauce, please?

I’d think this be it. The War Within Beta Test Begins June 5!

There was a post by one of our SFAs in one of the larger WHERE IS MAH BETA?!? threads, but it does not appear to be there anymore. Probably because folks are finally being able to access the beta servers, it was rendered moot. Not sure if the thread was 404’d or whatnot, there were a good dozen or so of the same thing.


I can’t find any Beta release time given in that article.

Maybe quote the relevant part?


Alright boys and girls, seems like what I read wasn’t saying that is the time beta starts, it’s “the time updates are usually done” and because I only skimmed it I read what I wanted to read I guess :laughing:

My bad. But the stand by the rest of what I said :saluting_face:


Please keep in mind beta being broken is the natural state of beta.


It appears they are doing things with the servers. I see incompatible then they go away then I see a server named “these go to eleven” and a few others. These other servers show “offline” and not “incompatible” I’m sure they are just cleaning up some things that may have gotten dirty during the transfer from alpha to beta

I’m in! But ‘Retrieving character list’

I can get to the character list screen occasionally, but when try to load in, it either goes to a blank character create screen, or it immediately disconnects.

Their dragon flight screen with the 10.2 beta patch with the 11.0 rooms to join that’s why it’s incompatible I talked to a series of game masters that have said the switch on beta has not been completed yet.

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anyone able to get in yet? i got off work 8:00 PM alaska time and when i logged in my servers were incompatible, i uninstalled the beta, uninstalled the app, double checked my drivers were up to date, reinstalled the app then the beta, and the servers are still incompatible.

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Do you have access to the beta forum? if so, post there.

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