Incompatibility issues with 64-bit version of Windows

Is anyone else having issues launching WOW (The War Within) due to incompatibly with 64-bit versions of Windows? Starting a couple days ago, I’ve been unable to launch WOW. Every time I try to launch a note comes up that says "??\E:\World of Warcraft_retail_\Wow.exe cannot start due to incompatibility with 64-bit versions of Windows. I’ve contacted support, but they said it’s a windows issue. Any advice or way to fix this issue? Thanks

You’re probably missing one of the latest Windows updates. Try that first to see if it helps.

Also which version of Windows are you using?

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Hey Erixi…thanks for replying. I’m using Windows 10. Been checking to see if any new updates out but my PC says up to date. Hopefully there’s an update soon. Thanks again.

Since we’re on the subject of Windows, you think windows 11 going to cause issues with WOW and other games? Or am I just outdated myself lol.

it isnt for me. your mileage may vary. but it does cause issues if for ANY reason the microsoft account you use to associate with your windows license for some reason stop working correctly with the windows 11 os sign up and microsoft store update.
(like it did with mine and basically made windows built picture viewer unusable because it refuse to update.)

What version of Windows is the newest?Checks Google

You might be outdating yourself. Win 11 has had zero issues with any sort of game and that might be where your problems lie as Win 10 is losing all updates at the end of the year.

Oh ok thanks for the input!