Another healing surge buff. Perhaps it will compensate for the upcoming swirling currents nerf or it was simply that bad. Chain buff is always welcome.
Edit: I forgot healing wave. Yeah that’s always nice too but it’s still just a “Use with primordial wave + nature’s swiftness” spell. Maybe an awkward “I’m oom but can’t drink” spell. More swirling currents compensation. I’m not convinced +20% healing stream totem healing is going to be worth 2 talent points. Perhaps the boost to cloudburst for lel pve
Rain buff I don’t personally care about. They can do whatever with it and I’ll still be waiting for them to make it instant cast.
- SHAMAN 10.0.7 patch notes
- Earth Elemental and Primal Earth Elemental no longer taunt or pulse threat to enemies the Shaman is not in combat with.
Earth Elemental and Primal Earth Elemental no longer taunt or pulse threat to enemies that are attacking a player with a tank specialization.
- Developer’s notes: We have reverted this change to Earth Elemental and Primal Earth Elemental after reviewing feedback we’ve received.
- Swirling Currents has been redesigned – Increases the healing done by Healing Stream Totem and Cloudburst Totem by 10%/20% for Restoration and 20%/40% for Elemental and Enhancement.
- Fixed an issue causing the self-cast version of Earth Shield from Elemental Orbit to not increase the healing done by Healing Stream Totem or Healing Tide Totem.
- Several talents have moved positions in the class tree.
- Earthgrab Totem now replaces Earthbind Totem. Earthgrab Totem is now the left-most option.
- Shamans that are in Ghost Wolf now display the Maelstrom resource on their Personal Resource Display instead of mana if they are Elemental specialization.
- Elemental
- Electrified Shocks duration increased to 9 seconds (was 6 seconds).
- Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented Electrified Shocks from applying to the primary target.
- Restoration
- A choice node has been added below Mana Tide Totem:
- New Talent: Resonant Waters – Increases the duration of Mana Tide Totem by 4 seconds and increases its radius by 20 yards.
- New Talent: Spiritwalker’s Tidal Totem – After using Mana Tide Totem, the cast time of Healing Wave and Chain Heal is reduced by 50% and the mana cost of Healing Wave and Chain Heal are reduced by 50% for 10 seconds.
- All healing done increased by 8%.
- Acid Rain damage reduced by 20%.
- Ancestral Awakening heals for 15%/30% of the amount healed (was 10%/20%).
- Earthen Harmony has been redesigned – Earth Shield reduces damage taken by 3%/6% and its healing is increased by 50%/100% on targets below 75% health.
- Cloudburst Totem healing no longer contributes to Ancestral Guidance.
- Ancestral Awakening and Ancestral Guidance now contribute to Cloudburst Totem healing.
- Earthliving Weapon’s proc sound effect has been lowered in volume.
Wow ok, in the recent 10.0.7 update they added a flat 8% buff to all healing? That’s like a 10%+ healing buff if it goes live along with the recent hotfix
6% damage reduction on earthshield with Earthen Harmony. That’s something I’ve seen asked for numerous times. It lost the stack adding effect with HW/HS, but I doubt anyone cares that much.
They are really trying to push that new mana tide talent.