Income is nowhere near "500 per match average" and in no way is this mode welcoming to "casuals"

The idea someone who hates/isn’t good at base WoW pvp has any chance whatsoever of collecting these FOMO rewards is absurd.

If you die at the start of the match you get next to no reward and quest prog doesn’t carry over.

If you live and make it to top 10 or manage to avoid all pvp you’re lucky to scrape by with 500 without quests.

If you avoid this mode you lose out on FOMO mog, mounts, pets and most egregiously traders tender - a currency with no recovery mechanism.

To me this is worse than anything pulled in Shadowlands and we all know what a trainwreck that was. This isn’t ‘forcing’ PVE players to PVP but locking a dragonriding mount, currency and even more semi unique mog behind a pvp mode with a limited time window sure as hell feels real bad in a game that is 99% PVE.

If I wanted to play Fornite, I’d play Fortnite.


I agree, I gave it a test to see if you even got rep just for lurking, got to top 10 with no kills and got 0 renown.


Boring, annoying, and poorly designed. I’m a completionist, so I’ll sludge through to max renown, then never touch it again. However, I will be salty about it for years, and bring it up every time people discuss Blizzard’s history of bad ideas.


I just stick to the edges, kill animals and NPC’s and grab plunder/chests. Usually nets me 500+ plunder for very little effort. Once I die, re-queue and repeat. I’m very bad at PvP, so it’s gonna be a loooong slog. I want the pets tho.


Came in 14th and got 240 one round the in 11th and got 1240 the next. No idea what i did differently


Reputation gains suck so hard and forced pvp. Who other than hardcore pvpers think this is any fun?! This isn’t apex legends or some other cheapskate battle royale. Stick to the things your good at WoW! Nice rewards but no way I am spamming matches just to get dirt reputation gains plus I hate pvp so why be forced too!


Blizzard by now has a special division in bad gaming ideas! Feels like an idea they got and threw at a pin board.


Ty for the advice. It doesn’t take my Razer Tartarus for some reason, which I use as an adaptive device for gaming because I have multiple sclerosis, and I’d rather not be shut out yet again just because I keep dying too quickly and get 22 rep per fight


If you leave after dying you still get your rewards (rep and plunder)?

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I don’t play WoW pvp pretty much ever but I’m having a blast. It’s not even slightly the same type of game just because pvp is involved in both.

WoW pvp is tedious, sweaty, and gear-dependent. This is just some casual fun with entirely different types of mechanics and spells.


I’ve been playing for an hour and a half, and I’ve got 3 renown. This needs to come up quite a bit.

Also, the strat may become “clear an area for all the loot then when its time to RP walk to the next area, instead, let someone kill you so you can requeue.”


It takes way to long to earn anything.
Part of the fun is being rewarded with loot for your time.
Without this there is nothing to make you feel better for playing a game, Where LVLs make
the game play Unfair.
People should not be able to Fly down wile you are fighting a bunch of mobs stealing all your kills so they out lvl you already giving them a huge advantage of the rip.
The player lvl power scale makes it super unfriendly super frustrating.


blizz really went “whats everything people dont like right now?”

“pvp, fomo, rep grind, battle royales”

“great! lets smash those all together”


Dear Lord you dont need every item. Learn self restraint.


You’re not my dad!


Yup, same here. Going to be a grind, getting like 400-500 gold per death, so minimum 200 games to get all rewards (100,000 gold)


I agree. It’s not fun at all it’s not even WoW. It’d like the rewards, but it’s crazy they though this was a good idea at all. It makes me think the next expansion is going to be awful too. Who wants an entire expansion under ground? Whoever is making the decisions over there would probably be happier working on another game it seems.


I just got a tartarus a few months ago and im using it in Plunder. You just have to rebind your movement keys through options, and keybind.

I played 5 matches, and 4 times I was dead in less than a minute to another player who was on me like glue. No chance to run around and do much of anything.

The one match where I stayed alive for a whole 5 minutes was mostly likely due to dumb luck of being in an area where nobody else was for a bit, so I was able to run around, collect things, kills some mobs, that part was ok.

But as soon as I came upon two other players going at it and tried to give them a wide cushion to avoid them, they both stopped fighting each other and came at me. I was dead in seconds, and then they went back to fighting each other.

Not fun. Not fun at all.

Words cannot express how disappointing, and surprisingly, infuriating this experience was.

If I wanted to play BR’s, I’d play BR’s that are designed first and foremost for that type of gameplay. But I want to play WoW, not BR’s, and definitely not this.

I wonder how much those developer resources could have been used to improve the game itself, fix bugs, etc., than try to add another mini-game copy of someone else’s game into this one.

This is just another edition of the whole Diablo mobile deal and “don’t you all have phones” meme that tells me that this team doesn’t really understand their players anymore and what their own game is really all about.

Hey Blizz, here’s a thought: how about focus on what you, at least in the past, did best, instead of trying to copy others and be everything to everybody?

Signed a very sad, disappointed, and disheartened bovine.

/moo :cow:


100% agree. I’ve had matches where I get 0 plunder because I landed next to someone who somehow already had a special ability and killed me in 2 hits. There isn’t time to look at the skills you pick up let alone read their descriptions and know how to use them. The mechanics for trading items out makes it too easy to drop the wrong thing. The majority of players do not play on PVP servers and do not do PVP, so why in the heck did you think making a special event that was bare bones hardcore PVP was going to be welcoming to ANYONE but PVP players?