Incognitro Felcycle - Master Pet Trainer Jeremy Feasel

I’m sorry if I’m being a bit hateful here but i’d like to beg Blizzard to remove this stupid specific battle pets in order to proceed with the Secrets of Azeroth chain quests. These requirements are so stupid since battle pets is not something that everyone likes. Please Blizzard be respectful to player who wasted a lot of time and gold to reach at this step and now forced to farm for these stupid pets.

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I feel your pain. Been working on this 2 weeks to get the pets and level them up only to keep dying in the battles even though I’m following YT vids. This is bs and I think it’s safe to assume most people don’t actively pet battle.

I used the YT labeled Felcycle Chapter 5 or close to that and zipped through it on the first try. I do collect pets so I don’t feel your pain in that aspect.

That’s how some people (including myself) feel about being forced to PVP for quest progression.


If you need to find the specific pets, here’s a list on them and how to get them.


Then you just have to battle enough lower level pets to get 35x3 pet charms and buy 3 Ultimate Battle Stones. (Although, if you don’t have ‘blue’ pets, you’ll need the Flawless Battles Stones, at 15 pet charms each.

I used strategy 16, with a Taptaf as my 3rd.

(sorry can’t post links)

This is every form of content in WoW, though. It would be impossible to only include things that “everyone likes,” right? I do think the pet battles are controversial to include just because of how polarizing they seem to be, but it’s definitely doable. I was able to complete it fairly easily by purchasing a couple of the Ultimate Battle-Training Stones so that I didn’t have to level two of the three pets.


I wasted way too much time trying to get pets like the drustvar one until I realized the treasures were not there for me because I looted them years ago in BFA and tossed the seemingly useless items that were inside along with a bunch of other, you know, junk

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I was really pissed but I ended farming Spyragos, drustpet and the tafpaf. Wich costed me a lot of time.

Y’all are going to be really upset then, about the waste of time.
The Secrets Discord is stuck on Orb 9. Have been for over a week.

They were actually stuck for three weeks.

But now Orb 9 is solved, and you get the Felcycle immediately. Orbs 10, 11, and 12 are some kind of bonus secret.