Incendius unplayable

Devs please address the population issue on Incendius.


You’re free to transfer off.

How so? Keep in mind I have toons on Incendius too. As a matter of fact, I abandoned that mage on Kurinnaxx ages ago to transfer with all of my friends to Incendius. Why should Blizzard value the people who were fortunate enough to roll on there on day one over those of us who actually paid extra on top of the subscription fee to be there? They’re not a charity.

He’s talking about offering free transfers off the realm. This happened many times during the first months of the game release.

What is your point exactly?


Wow, you are super sharp. I am not asking for a handout. I am adding my voice to everyone else that is unhappy with the state of Incendius.
edit for clarification: I want Blizzard to say something official to the folks who currently play here, no matter where they came from.


Stalagg, Skeram, Heartseeker…

All have populations that are representative of the effects of free transfers.


If we keep making threads about it, surely Blizz will changes something! Just like back when there was six billion AV threads!


Then “voice” it within the same thread. This is all spam, at this point.


Actually, it’s about $25 and if you recently used your transfer privelages it’s also about 90 days wait too.


I just looked up “Nimrod,” and apparently it means “Skillful Hunter.”

That’s a cool story.


he’s the really advanced sentinel from X-men Day of Future Past that came back in time to stop the…something.

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Ty Skeram!

They’re a business and shouldn’t have to do that. Money talks. They’re not a charity service. You guys are pretty much just asking for free stuff.

I play here too. It’s not that bad. It’s a very small price to pay actually for how populated of a server it is.

You know what I meant.

I’m playing on Incendious right now.

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I’m currently looking at my billing history for the first 3 wow expansions and seeing many credits for unplayable time, where they gave me weeks of free playtime for the unplayable servers. They did it then they can do it again and address the issues , they also offered transfers off and they have the ability to put back in layering. So dont tell us they wont or can’t or never did or that its not “vanilla”…cuz that’s’ just BS at this point.


The fact that they all ditched those garbage servers to come join us?

Sure. Keep crying. I have nothing against it. If they give you it, great. You’ll all hopefully quiet down and quit spamming these forums rather than finding something else to cry about. If not, things won’t change.

You have to be totally inept to believe free xfers off ur server is gonna end well for you.

My server was much bigger than yours…My faction still died

Don’t ask for stupid things

Now my whole faction is mostly on your server…You want to be a refugee too? Asking for stupid things like free xfers is how u get that.

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