Since the feral rework with the changes to tigers fury, it made sense that a 30 second duration incarn made no sense when tigers fury would last 15/20 seconds, so they changed incarn to 20 sec duration.
A change that didn’t make sense to me was the changing of heart of the lion to be a flat 60 sec reduction instead of based off finishers used. As a result of this incarn was basically hard nerfed losign 1/3rd of it duration and increasing its cooldown on average around 20 seconds.
With no changes to convoke except quality of life buffs, this swung the balance of the two choice talents completely to convokes favor. I would very much like the balance of the two talents be back which means buffing incarn to a viable level.
So my suggestion is reducing just incarns cooldown by 30 seconds making it a 1.30 min cooldown when taking heart of the lion.
This would be very good since it means feral has choices and not hard stuck as a 2minute burst class it also means that 1.30 cd trinkets will be more useful.
Having done simulations of this the damage difference between convoke vs a 1.30minute incarn is basically dead even
It also makes feral more viable on weird damage amp timing fights such as silken court.
Very much would like to hear your thoughts and suggestions on this, Thanks.
Agreed. Incarn has been basically unpickable since the changes to Tigers Fury. Having more choice in what damage profile to opt into is always a good and Savage’s proposed changes gives Incarn a well defined and useful niche that would be a welcome addition to Feral’s kit.
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