INC more MM buffs!

  • Marksmanship
    • Aimed Shot, Kill Shot, and Rapid Fire damage increased by 10%. Kill Shot damage increase does not apply to PvP combat.

Too funny.


ewww why give bm some love . MM gets all the buffs Bm deserves some aswell . like more then just 10% dmg increase to Kill shot like plz .

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MM most definitely doesn’t need to be buffed especially with aim and rapid. /facepalm


Friend crit a 350K aimed shot on a DH the other day. In BFG, so no orb or flag. :stuck_out_tongue:

My highest aimed shot is only around 270K. I bring shame to family.


I assume Aimed Shot has a 5 minute CD?

I’m not familiar with hunters.

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Have they tried using data where the MM players have their computers turned on?

The spec’s damage is more than fine in PVP. In addition to having an execute phase on both the front and back end of a target’s health pool with 2 charges of Kill Shot, it has the longest range in the game on top of not having to worry about interrupts. In a BG setting, the spec is inarguably playing the game on easy mode.

I’m already seeing BGs with the top 3-5 players being MM Hunters. BGs are about to suffer an infestation worse than Nevada.



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10 second CD that can be shortened with haste and CDs

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I’ll die on the hill that MM is good for the current game until casters get nerfed

My destro can bolt a player 3 times in the average gcd for almost 300k damage ea atm

Mm does baby damage compared to that imo


Reroll to a warlock and roflstomp the marksmonkeys.


~900k in 2 seconds? Is that with bg shenanigans?

Or could you do similar burst in an arena?

I bolt like 200k-220k but when i saltwater zerk I can get 300k+

my record is 7 kbs in 10 seconds

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MM are hitting 300k+ with one aim shot in epics not zerking. Will be more on Tuesday. I was hit on my SP with 34% versatility in AV for 312k followed by 270k sniper shot. Sniper shot is hitting above the 20% health toolkit it says .

Edit: forgot to put the rapid fire hitting for 39k to 41k per hit. Those abilities do not need buffed

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Your bolts are definitely nuts, you wiped like 5 people at mines the other day in that game with the shaman bot that kept trying to cap ww flag instead of healing or doing literally anything else. Probably would have won if you weren’t a backfill and had been there from the start.

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Concussive shot + sniper shot sez wut?

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EZ mode isn’t just about damage, it’s about not taking damage or dying even in BGs where your team is getting ground-pounded. There is a bit more risk to playing warlock.

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it’s hard to kill most things as mm outside of stacking bg buffs imo

You can hurt stuff really bad but can’t finish it unless it’s a mage


So both of the class specs I play Blood DK and this toon are getting buffs, great to hear!

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Hrm, sniper shot alone takes huge chunks of health. Many things die to sniper shot, explosive shot, death chakrams, rapid fire then kill shot if they are even still alive.

I’ll work on a hunter movie next.

Then again, you are probably talking about team fights with healers present.

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This is my opener:
Sniper Shot
Rapid Fire
Binding Shot into Death Chakram
by then Kill Shot should proc and I will also ice trap and steel trap with talent that stuns but if not
Aimed Shot with SS talent and Arcane Proc

Plus I focus on Mastery so that combined with Sniper Shot enables me to shot someone across the map. With that said after my opener my damage is average.

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