Inc Hero Talent changes/Nerf


Painful Death on live:

  • Extra Exterminate charge
  • Reapplication increased to 30%

Blizzard directly saying that the effects of Painful Death - which includes the 30% reapplication chance - are baseline for the tree (and before the “It doesn’t specifically mention the 30% chance so that doesn’t count” it also doesn’t specifically mention Rimes being Shadowfrost damage for Bind in Darkness but that effect still exists):

Wowhead datamining from the PTR showing that Exterminate correctly shows the 30% rate as the default instead of changing when you take Painful Death:

All of this is verifiable on the PTR through the 11.0.0 PTR where the changes are being staged.

Please take a moment to critically read changes before immediately posting and fearmongering.