In youre our opinion what can save solo shuffle?

I told you from the beginning. Healers should have voice in solo shuffle and DPS should have the ability to listen but not speak. The game is a mess without communication. They should of done something in LOL for junglers. This is the root of many painpoints.

If that little change makes you think they care I hate to break it to you lol

How would they ever feel accomplished in life again :pleading_face:

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Perhaps because it is.


These cosmetics are trash and not even worth collecting on any of the classes I half heartedly play. Most of these sets look like MoP dungeon blues.

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It’s a cosmetic like every other reward?

ya sry man dont have time to push glad this season im workin on my shuff pennant :muscle:

also need an armored ground mount from 50 wins above 2400 in 2s

I feel all of these suggestions go under the assumption that ur average player can break 2.4k. :grimacing:

They can with blitz. :dracthyr_yay_animated: And shuffle by mid-late season.

Hardly worth when sitting 30 min queues.

according to these forums yeah if you want to be considered just an average pvper you need to be at least 2400+ or basically an AWC competitor :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :dracthyr_uwahh_animated: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: :flushed:

You mean the 5 people who like to run the forum hivemind.


delete shuffle, shuffle, ffle


Backpeddling bm hunters at 2400 shuff and literal new players at 2400 blitz


talking about regular 3s :dracthyr_nod:

Oh, elite-glad will be top 2000-4000 like usual

If anything it’ll probably end a little on the inflated side despite everybody playing blitz

MMR is getting rugged so hard next seas


What’s wrong with new players being at 2400?

Nothing necessarily wrong but I think it speaks to how messed up the ladder is same thing happened with crimson where the ladder inflates way too much where the final reward is trivial and then blizzard brings it back to where it should be in S2 and people are confused.

We’ve now seen the repeated screw up with all 3 brackets despite it being a massive talking point blizzard is aware of

Unchained 3s
Crimson shuffle
Forged blitz

It just causes player frustration in future seasons when it goes to normal

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Got it. So seasons are really only good and not messed up when it really only allows the top end players to reach the rewards? I saw the other day that even 2400 in Blitz is like high 90th percentile of players. That seems great to me.

The thing with Blitz is that it force feeds you MMR at an unreasonable pace relative to CR.

When a team loses in Blitz only about 2 people lose CR and the other 6 get a 0 because they’re 1840 in a 2950 match.


No I didn’t say that but I think rewards staying about the same difficulty season to season makes more sense

When shuffle top of ladder is 3700 getting 2400 unlocks feels very easy
When ladder top is 2700 the players that go 2400 last time are now hitting a wall at 2k and are confused

There’s pretty well documented case to be made that most WoW players don’t understand Mmr and don’t look at the ladder so making the ladder less roller coastery season to season would make it less confusing.

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