In youre our opinion what can save solo shuffle?

Yeah, its funny to talk about people malding when you do the same thing.
Yeah, and flaptastic played so bad it was hilarious… He blamed the dk every time when he has no idea how to play his evoker. Figured it was you but I guess just your “guildie”

Unfort mvp told me point blank you don’t know how to kick. Even said you went multiple losses without kicking a healer. Dang man talking about people can’t play classes yet can’t look in the mirror on the most brain dead W key class. Rip brother. Hope you have a terrible day.

Wow, toxic


You realize I was the healer right? You’re so bad it’s unreal… Have the day you deserve princess.

Bro at 2k acting like a glad. Guess what? You aren’t :slight_smile:

This whole thread is about how glad+ players are toxic I swear I’ve seen the most deranged messages from duelist shufflers. I think there’s a bit of frustration when everyone talks about how every season PvP gets easier but these guys are still hitting the brick wall

Like flaps for instance shows up to the forums just flaming anyone and everyone. Hmm

Don’t make fun of smoking meats, you’ll understand one day. I’m at the in-laws going through with drawls from not having my pellet grill


Naw, you just mad… stay tilted and angry but act like everyone else are the angry ones…

I’ll stand by it. I watch yall flame people left and right. 99% of you ain’t ever gonna touch awc but act like your some gift from God. Dish it but can’t take it. Enjoy your pointless 2400s like it means anything in the real world. Hope your next smoke session comes out horrible :heart:

Ironic coming from you.

We need the old forum villains back they were more fun. Now it’s always some shuffle main saying there’s not enough inflation and everyone on a glad mount is part of a win trading cabal. It’s funny at first but holy cow it’s been years


Big diff is I smile as I send these. I know you can’t wait to respond. Your ego feeds it. God it’s glorious.

Yeah, cause everything someone post on the webz must be true… :clown_face:

Ah yes, that’s 100% what I said. You are being very disingenuous with this trying to act like I said it :joy::joy::joy:

I know I’m not gonna touch AWC I have a mortgage and kids (ones cookin) are you sure the 2400s don’t matter you seem bent out of shape that it’s generally out of reach for you

I play an hour or 2 some evenings lol the game isn’t that hard there’s a big difference between checking off the mount and competing

I’m as dozer would say, a casual gamer at average ratings


Yawn there it is. You cannot WAIT to say things like that. It’s honestly sad. That’s your only trophy in life. I play this game for more than PvP and 2400 is not generally a goal of mine :dracthyr_tea:

Hey the clown :clown_face: is mine to post and it’s exactly what you look like IRL. :kissing_heart:

Forum posters making assumption cuz it’s all I have.

Sorry for keeping trash talk in game. I’m just calling it how I see it. This happens a lot here. Duelist shuffle main calls everyone toxic elitist but desperately tried to blame everything but themselves for being stuck at placement game mmr

Should I ditch the keep it in game strat and make stuff up irl too?
You’re unemployed living with your parents and the best you can do is 2100 in shuffle? Cmon dozer pulls better numbers!


Your assumptions are amusing… :slight_smile: ← See, i was smiling when I posted this.
Keep malding, it makes me smile

Keep calling me a duelist shuffle main. Is that supposed to be some sort of insult or is your brain too smooth to come up with something? Not very kind to the community there Mr Amatoxic. People were so right about you :joy:

Yeah you suck at WoW nothing to be ashamed of, lots of people do just not all of them are as annoying as you. I suck too dude it’s okay

Always someone better that’s how video games go

Let’s do a quick check. What’s more toxic to the community. Keeping it in game and saying duelist shuffle isn’t impressive or making assumptions IRL like saying all I have in my whole life is the little 2400 unlock I get doing my weekly conq caps.

You keep making irl insults about people you know nothing about I personally think that’s worse than pointing at your ingame achievements on a forum about that game