In youre our opinion what can save solo shuffle?

Okay great. You have no reason to get angry then :yum:

I’m not, a claim is made and I say that’s not the whole truth.

99% of the dirt that gets thrown my way involves my opinion that some seasons are too inflated. I fully understand why certain people would take offense to that

Perhaps. :thinking:

This is rich. Projection much? Watching you forum dwellers dunk on people left and right and the second you catch a stray it’s excuses and deflection and acting like a victim youself. Wild take brother. Enjoy the smoker.


I fear i don’t actually care what you think about me enough

Yet you continue to respond. You are boring and predictable :dracthyr_crylaugh:

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What would “save” solo queue would be a one-round setup, removing the “shuffle.”

This solves the healer problem entirely without any artificial MMR solution. No more 3-3 whenever there’s a 6-0 or 0-6 DPS.

Faster queues for everyone due to the increased circulation of the queue pool, rather than having 6 people stuck in lengthy round robins.


I love this idea and I wish they would at least test it out to see how it works. I also think they need to look at how to better balance healer rating and mmr in the current format. Seems like it’s only comparing against the other healer, leading to a lot of 3-3 games when the weak dps is exposed.

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ques would be faster, but this would just cause other, possibly worst problems.

How many times have you qued SS and had the guy going 0-6 “healer or dps” on your team for the 1st 3 rounds? I have quite a bit
 I assume most of you have too. Now imagine RNG giving you that guy 6 rounds in a row. That’s the type of RNG you could expect with 1 round solo ques.

So, sure, might fix some problems, but would cause other problems
 as of now you at least get to break even, or get the chance
 I’m sure we’ve all also been on the end of that guy getting his 1 win at your expense as well.

Also, the fact this thread is so active and it’s mostly people derailing it with egos standing on soapboxes to call out others standing on soapboxes
 I’d like to say, from someone with no dog in the fight, you all seem kinda petty and terrible. Stop it.

Sure, there would be slightly more RNG. You could potentially have multiple bad lobbies in a row.

But Blitz has substantially more team RNG than solo arena would, and people still inevitably climb to where they should be. There might be some unlucky queue sessions, but it’s a non-issue in the long run.

I think the could just add in some RNG protection so you don’t keep hitting the same people. Maybe this increases q times or maybe it produces better lobbies over all and improving participation. Only way to know is to test it out!

500 reply dozer troll thread

Just how does he do it


Hey! We were just getting back on topic. Stop it!

:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging: :dracthyr_nod:
everyone’s on holiday brake spending time with family and friends and just chillin ig idk ggs man hope your doing whale are you out on collage brake or from work? or you travelling for the holiday brake?

idk I’m confused I just found out it’s summertime in Australia so does that mean it’s not Christmas for them and it’s actually their July 4th?

Could you imagine a Christmas without snow? That must suck.

are you on Frostmourne? :flushed: :flushed: :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
thats a top pvp server right up their with Ragnaros :dracthyr_nod: :dracthyr_nod:



What? :dracthyr_a1:

I know a lot of DH’s and BM Hunters from Ragnaros.

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yah its a top pvp server