In what world is current Fire DPS okay?

Fire is literally neck in neck with Augmentation Evoker in overall stats, a class that is supposed to be a “supportive DPS”, just check warcraft logs. It’s even worse if you were to look up pure ST fights such as Ky’veza. People aren’t even taking fire to mythic raids anymore and it’s hard to argue even playing fire when pushing keys. What reason is there to keep damage so low and remain radio silent?


Everybody wants everything fixed all at the same time, meanwhile Blizzard is struggling to keep the employees it does have. Be patient, your class and spec will get looked at in time.

What’s annoying is that Fire really just needs a serious pyro buff. But because ignite scales with pyro damage, our passive cleave gets too strong. Throw in the insistence on making Living Bomb a thing and it’s just one big mess.


Mage in general was nuked to oblivion because community perception has us as the “golden boys” so people like to see us in the gutter. Even though the eggheads claimnwe only got a 1 percent nerf with .05, with everyone else getting buffed and our rotation being torn to shreads it was more like a 15 percent nerf. We literally dropped from the top 2 damage spec to the bottom third overnight.


Add to that the defensive creep for every other dps spec and you start to wonder what the point of cloth armor type / lower hp values are even doing if they’re just a pure handicap with no offsetting damage implication


The radio silence is what sucks the most, Fire has been the worst DPS spec in the game for what will be 3 resets now. The most recent PTR datamine has buffs for ele shaman, yet nothing, not even a peep about fire. Fire has been trash this expac for more resets than it hasn’t, which is extremely frustrating when blizzard has said nothing about the state of the class.

Fire doesn’t have anything near the amount of utility of augmentation evoker, a class known for doing little damage. Yet why is it okay that fire is 6%~ behind augmentation evoker in ST? A lot of fire mages were calling out that the aura nerf 17 days ago was unwarranted, yet blizz went through on it and has remained radio silent since then.

Mage overall is in a terrible spot at the moment, Arcane and Frost rotations are cringe right now compared to the past iterations of those classes, and the only spec with a good feeling rotation out of the 3 is a complete joke in terms of damage.


Radio silence is better than promising something they can’t deliver, if a company opens their mouth and says they’re “Trying to get x thing done at y point in time.” people will take that as an unbreakable promise and hold them to it.

This is how gamers have evolved over the years, they’re jaded with the industry and will hold a knife to dev’s necks to get what they want so it’s often best just to say nothing.

How hard is it to at least undo the 3% aura nerf and throw fire a bone until then though…


Very hard, most of their QA testers are walking out. The same team in charge of fixing bugs and balancing changes are also the same team that works on future content and big corporate big wigs are pressuring them to push more content and ignore the bugs and imbalance that was already shipped so they can make their quarterly deadline.

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Sorry but this is just ludicrous when they are announcing balance changes for other specs every other day.

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What can I say, they’re scrambling to get things done when they’re not being hounded by the big wigs to push new content.

This is the kind of mindset that helps them justify mediocrity. It’s the same thing like “Don’t worry, it’s only alpha. They’ll fix it on beta for sure” then it’s “Don’t worry, it’s only beta. It’ll be fixed before live”, and then it goes live like crap and then it’s “Don’t worry, it’s only 11.0, they’ll fix it on 11.1”.

This stuff cannot be excused. The way they keep their employees is putting up a good product that generates enough revenue and use that to pay and treat them how they deserve.


In time being what… three expansions from now? Because that is the current track record with Blizzard. Blizzard just doesn’t have it anymore. Their designs aren’t tested, offer cheap solutions and can’t even maintain a sense of direction with product. Where are they going with the mage class? It’s sole purpose is to be the glass cannon and now it’s just glass with no cannon. What is the point anymore?


If you feel that strongly, nobody is stopping you from leaving and testing other games in the meantime.

Already left. I was a returning player after legion, every now and then I check up on the game. Perhaps I just need to realize this isn’t what it used to be. That is fine, different play will play it I am sure, just had some hope.

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this is actual b*****t, we’re talking about two clicks on tuning knobs that already exist.


Yeah it’s getting incredibly frustrating that there’s been nothing to address:

  • No real ST builds. There should absolutely be a talent that buffs pyro at the expense of ignite or its spread.
  • 8 talents dedicated to a second source of passive spread cleave that no one asked for, when we were already the kings of passive spread cleave.
  • Flamestrike still being reticle-based now that it contributes to hot streak. Completely unplayable without a cursor macro and frustrating/clunky to play with one.
  • Frostfire being wildly behind for everything except PvP, and buggy as hell (e.g. getting Fingers of Frost procs, FFB randomly turning into Frostbolt)

Nobody should really be defending Blizzard right now. Not even mentioning the state of class balance or wrong decisions related to it, I don’t remember the last time the game has been in such a state of disarray when it comes to quality control. The sheer amount of game-breaking bugs this patch introduced is quite frankly incredible.

It’s also both funny and tragic that one of the major culprits for Fire’s current state of tuning was a bug fix to a talent that wasn’t taken into account when they decided to nerf it due to their flawed understanding that it was overperforming. Or maybe it was and they are just clueless.


It’s not even really a defense, it’s just reality when you look at it through a lens that isn’t cynical.

I don’t think there’s much cynicism at play here when criticizing the current state of the game. When taking into account all decisions made to the Mage class in that same reset, it’s quite shameful that it’s being left as it currently is for so long.