In tyr's footsteps the waking shores not obtainable

Not able to get the quest either while alts are able to get.

Is this possibly a bug with folks with alts that are at max item level?

I am having the same issue on my account. The quest is not showing up for my Evoker and Hunter, but did show up for my warrior.

I’m having the same issue. Done all previous sparks. Quest isn’t appearing for me

Same issue for me, just adding another post for visibility. My main does not have the spark quest this week.

my alt is about as ratty as you can get, last week i did one key just for a vault.

I don’t have a maxed level alt and I still can’t get this quest after completing up this part of the chain. The quest is also unshareable from others too.

This is the specific quest: And the quest prior to this is showing as completed to me in the chain so this appears to be a bug we cannot work around ourselves.

This script:
/run print(C_QuestLog.IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(70650))

Is returning false for the respective quest. Not sure if this helps the devs. But I cannot see any prerequisite that I am missing.

Ran this script and its saying false for me also.

me as well

I think I have the fix.

Go back to OhN’aran plains to 66.2, 55.4. Maiden likely has a return to Valdrakken quest there that wasn’t picked up initially. Once picked up and turned in, you should have the follow up in Valdrakken.


^ this is the way worked for me

Yo, worked for me, in my case was on the Azure Spam place, probably a roll back, you are a genius

GENIUS worked. What a beast!

Having the same problem. The quest is nowhere to be seen.

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Yep, it’s not showing up for me either. Have only completed 2 of the quests, have no bottled essence, have no quest active in my quest log, have no spark in my bags. Just nothing.

I thought I was missing this quest, but the Engine of innovation icon is so big on the map it seems it was covering the ! icon, can’t really tell, but the quest giver was there.

This right here, would upvote a million time if I could. Does not show on map but flew back to the maiden and onh’aran and she was there, had not finished the quest too return with the maiden back to valdrakken.

/way 66.29 55.34 Ohn’ahran Plains

For anyone lost and doesnt know where she last was.

Went to the Pains and there is no Maiden there for me. I completed the quest last week and there is no quest for me this week.

I am getting so sick of these buggy quests that are actually important to do.

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my hero. tyvm