In the next xpac TWW, are you forced to do PVE to stay competitive in PVP?

And on top of the grind, there’s the time gating and FOMO mechanics. You have to wait 1-2 weeks to get one piece, then another 1-2 weeks for the next. It makes gearing for PvP feel awful. I skipped Shadowlands and Dragonflight because of it, and I might skip this expansion too if nothing changes. I don’t want to run Torghast for a trinket or M+ for set bonuses just to avoid getting wrecked in PvP. We don’t have time for that.

No, don’t worry about it.

I have a hard time remembering when we actually had to “grind” last.

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Big facts. There hasn’t been a gear grind in awhile.

nope the modes are basically separate now in terms of player power

You won’t really have to PVE for anything if you just want to PvP. Besides leveling.

There’s always some weird item out there for certain classes that may offer a very slight boost to dps or something but nothing worth really worrying or investing time in if it isn’t your cup of tea.

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fyr’alath was a grind but not one that was required to be competitive was 5% of your dmg plus you got to use the ring procs, so it was a worth grind but not necessary.

Yeah, I was mainly talking bout pvp gear grind. Been pretty easy to gear for a few now.

I’m the same way only I didn’t mind waiting week after week. I shouldn’t have to be doing M+ 6’s /7s to upgrade gear for PVP.

I don’t pve at all and wouldn’t expect a pver ti have to pvp to get gear.

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Nope, is even 0.1% matters.

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No, you don’t. Someone already made this thread. You can just pvp and you’ll be perfectly fine! :slight_smile:

Do you have the link to the thread? I want to see the community’s responses to this topic.

No, it doesn’t.

At the start of a season if you raid mythic you can be a few ilvl higher than honor gear.

It depends on the honor ilvl. I could imagine that it could give you an advantage in the first few weeks to do PvE but end of season, you won’t have an advantage from PvE gear anymore.

That is at least my expectation, but I don’t know how exactly ilvl will work and how high it will go for PvE players.

legion,bfa and the last time before that was cata and the time before that it was tbc/wotlk

yeah I agree probably bfa was the most recent which is a good while imo.

Anyone thinking that even a 0.1% difference in gear is the difference of being competitive or not, definitely blames their team after each loss.

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to be fair back in bfa if you got mindflay on any peice of gear and had the crashing bike trinket it was like 30-40% of your over all kill pressure.

There have always been items that were really strong and that would ideal, and BiS. I’ve never done PvE and never had access to the BiS gear for my class and its 100% objectively true that the only thing that has prevented me from being Gladiator is myself, and that’s equally true for anyone else.

Gushing wounds, Ineffable Truth, etc were all at times extremely potent and it may have gotten people rating they didn’t deserve, but that still doesn’t equal you had to have it or you couldn’t play the game.

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