In shock, Ion said NO FLYING, and PATHFINDER AGAIN

Take it or quit is an ultimatum not a compromise. you can still play WoW and not fly if you choose.

So you pre ordered WoD when they had no flying at all, then they added pathfinder, then you preordered again with Legion AND BFA both of which have pathfinder and now pathfinder is an issue?

And because of this Blizz could care less about your argument and opinion. Your sub is worth far more than your excitement or pre order because they know you’ll still shell out money to them.

no they foisted it on us, that is NOT a compromise. whether i leave the game or not does not make what they did a compromise.

Now with wod they stated that first flying would be disabled and possibly added later on we didn’t find out until a third party site told us that they said no flying absolutely and then later on found out they got super lazy with designing the zones and they had to redesign the skies to make it to where you can fly.

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A compromise can be dictated in terms of both employment, games, etc. It does not have to have complete verbal agreement, a tacit agreement by participation is still valid. Again, only thing you have at your power is to just leave…

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You’re one tiny insignificant person. Blizzard isn’t going to shed a tear at you not pre-purchasing. I enjoy the pathfinder quests.

Unions talking with an employer typically is a compromise a take-it-or-leave-it situation usually is an ultimatum.

If your boss tells you that you can’t wear jeans at all ever, then says its a compromise to have dress down fridays and you can, it is a compromise handed to you, that you agree to by continuing your employment.

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Okay and he still pre ordered. If his word is to be believed.

Agreed. With WOD the no flying announcement blindsided many people. And too many was the straw that broke the back along with the Myriad of other issues that xpansion had.

Pathfinder in theory is fine. The way WoW devs execute it is a problem. There should be no 2 parts pathfinder for flying. Just let it be one pathfinder unlocks flying. If they wanna compromise they can have the 2nd pathfinder unlock flying in new zone. But being grounded for a year just to make doing WoW chores even longer is a major pain.


a settlement of differences by mutual concessions; an agreement reached by adjustment of conflicting or opposing claims, principles, etc., by reciprocal modification of demands.

you can not dictate a compromise.

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Yeah a party with complete power in decision making can…that is what is great about corporatism. Get over your self, and again play the game as its handed, or leave. You agree to the deal by paying blizz…

what do you do for a living?

A compromise:

Child: Can I have candy for dinner?
Parent: That would make you sick, and in the long term you’ll become obese if you keep doing it. Tell you what though, if you eat normal food for dinner you can have a small dessert.

A speed bump:

Player: Can I fly over this leveling content using the mounts and flying skills I paid thousands of gold for?
Developer: No, that would expose how barebones the endgame is. But if you wait a year for a content patch we’ll let you grind boring world quests for weeks, maybe then you can fly.


You’re the kind of guy that spouts off taxation is theft while still driving on government paid for roads, etc…

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you avoided my question.

Because you do not have a right to know?

because you don’t want to say. you have no clue what a compromise is. that’s the problem. go join a conversation you know something about

Lol that tax money is going towards schools that teach kids that they’re evil because of their skin color, and also they’re a girl even though they have male parts. Meanwhile the potholes in the road still haven’t been fixed.

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