In re Mechagnome Aftermarket Customization

Greetings and salutations, the mechanization process is a success. I can report a 35% increase in my satisfaction subroutines! Nevertheless, there is additional optimization to be done. These aftermarket alterations should require minimal discomfort on behalf of your artistic personnel, but nevertheless are external so I do require your aid.

  • Three tints of Mechagnome heritage armor. This request is with precedent as the standard Mag’har Orc has three variants of their heritage armor. In this case, the three tints should ideally reflect the chromium and rusted appearances of our metallic components, much as the current heritage armor matches the Arcforged pallet. Given the paucity of aesthetic choices mechagnomes have in transmogrification, this request seems logical.
  • The ability to remove lower body mechanization. A similar system is being tested for Forsaken in the checks notes that can’t be right, this note says it’s being tested in the afterlife?! What a preposterous notion. In any regards, you can rebuild us. Make us stronger. Better than before. You can give us trousers. Solomon Grindgear is very adamant on this subject.

Your swift attention to these items is appreciated!



Id argue for more robotics imo though but I respect your wishes.

  • I think all mechagnome hunter and casters should have a Mechabuster cannon on their arms as an option in barbershop.
  • I think they should all have double-jump + glide via antigrav pads on their feet. Once again, optional.
  • Mechanical options that make them look like Northrend mechagnomes.

I would love all those things (not holding my breath for the double jump!) but wanted to start with requests that shouldn’t, to my knowledge, ask a lot out of the devs. :slight_smile:

“Beep beep boop boop Tzz robot sounds
Do you understand me?

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Agree! I love the mechanical arms, the cute little claw… But I loathe the legs specifically because of the diaper situation.

My suggestion would be: Let the “bulky” version of the arms/legs actually display gear normally, so the players will have the option to NOT HAVE A DIAPER.

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Going forward my suggestion: Create more exclusive mechagnome transmog pieces, these can be made from diagrams found around the world ( and looted by mechagnomes ) then created by Blacksmiths and Engineers. This is fair, after all, mechagnomes are restricted already, they should have flavor and not be stuck to just their heritage armour.

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Our omnicomprehension matrices are experiencing some issues, could you kindly submit a correction ticket to improve our translation algorithms?

Or two more variants of the leg customization, bulky/clothes and scrappy/clothes! You’re a genius!

A textbook example of a great suggestion, thank you!


We really need the other two heritage armor recolors to match the other two metal colors for our mechanical parts!

There is lore justification too, as we see all three being used by Rustbolt and surely it wasn’t just the interior Mechagon city people who joined.

If transmog is going to be so limited for Mechagnomes, at least add the other two heritage colors so we can build good sets using all three of our metal “skin tones” and not just the gold one.

Mag’har got the option for their clans, Mechagnomes should for the Rustbolt Resistance.


I was curious what the upgrade with the legs were. :thinking:

Perhaps we could’ve replaced one racial with a heroic jump racial?


No >=O I support as much customization as you want, but keep your graspes off my double jump and glide.

Seriously though I’m all for more customization on mechagnomes, granted I prefer more mechanization not less.


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Never! You haven’t SaCrIfIcEd as much as I have!

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You picked up blizzard’s dumpster scraps and are pretending it’s a race.

You’re a bunch of High Res assets stapled onto a Gnome.

I doubt blizzard cares about giving them any more effort than that.

… Well you have a point…

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Would be nice, though the failsafe racial is so strong that I don’t think we could keep it if we got that. I’d be willing to make that trade as a priest, my tanks may feel differently!

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I want my Mechagnome hunter to fire bb pellets from their fingers.

Super Mario RPG’s Geno style.

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You are now manually humming the Smithy boss battle theme.

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